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This video is only the first part of my surgery experience, in the next video I am gonna talk about the results, so subscribe the channel guys if you dont want to miss next video about my surgery

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    1. meenuz meenakshy

      @bby mochi I agree haters are irritating us just for attention and we are giving those attention seekers what they want unknowingly ..I know some of our family members (army’s) get mad seeing our boys being picked on but remember we spread love not hate and also our boys are just winning so as long as they are happy and healthy it’s all we need tho ?

    1. K-drama & pop Fan

      @Chill Out no, you didn’t misjudged. But, actually yes Korean beauty standards are high and it makes anyone forced to do. But to foreigners basically it is not. And nowadays not all are thin in Korea. As she is doing modeling, so we can say she was forced, because in every country the professional models are thin like flat. But going through knife is always the person’s own choice, because it’s a matter yk something like you won’t regret later

    2. Chill Out

      @K-drama & pop Fan a part of that too, but seeing how strict Korea is in terms of beauty standards, it could also be that.. although maybe I misjudged… maybe it is their own satisfaction… ? most of the time though, it pressurizing.

  1. Pistol Pete

    Korean beauty standards are so fake and superficial. Its sad that someone is forced to change their body just to continue working when her original body is beautiful already. Sick society, sick standards.

    1. Sou

      @0 shut up no beauty standard is perfect ..not even curvy hips ..not every woman is born with curvy hips ..does that mean they aren’t pretty? Every body type can be beautiful be it skinny or curvy

    2. Sou

      The Western beauty standards are sick too..big butts and big boobs and girls rushing to get boob jobs and ultimately getting breast cancer . It’s not just a particular country, beauty standards in general are Sick

  2. hadassa vingren

    im literally crying right now… her body was perfect but this stupid society mess up with women’s brain so bad, they convince us that beauty is a standard that also mesure your value as a human. girls don’t do that, it doesn’t stop there, we will never be pretty/good/thin enough for this society. beauty resides in pluralism… plurals faces and personality that’s what make our world a beautiful place. i can’t avoid feeling sorry for her. girls you are all unique pretty ?

    1. ・Æsthētic Chän Bøba・

      @hadassa vingren There some ugly people, and theres some beatiful people too..Girls don’t need make up they are beauty with no make up.And you you’re a teen girl now but you are still fighting to a person/kid.

    2. Brian C

      She want’s to get into “modeling” Watch some fashion shows. Or Project Runway. Do you see any Kardashian body types in American or European fashion shows? It’s not the society. It’s the “Industry”.

    1. Sou

      So is the West having sick beauty standards of big butts and boobs and lip fillers ..many such boob job cases ultimately lead to cancer and the butt fillers and all are pretty dangerous too. In general the beauty standards society nurtures is SICK ..it’s not a particular country as there are beauty standards everywhere ..in my country I was bullied for being Skinny

    2. Ryujinie

      @Who Is u there are alot of idols/people in Korea who are born skinny, with small waist, etc. Some people might not be skinny at first but they went on a diet, they work hard and take good care of themselves by exercising and eating healthy food. And I personally think these beauty standards ain’t strict at all becuz alot of people were born skinny in Korea and i don’t really care about them having surgery or not you won’t see alot of fat people (sorry if my words are too harsh✨)

    1. I'm just

      Months ago when I checked my weight.. I was 50kg lol and I’m not even fat and was 16 ..I think the most weights are just from the tallness and heavy bones lol. And I was also proud of getting heavy ? idk I feel proud to weigh heavier?

    2. Rayo de Luz

      I think toxic people are everywhere, it’s true that corea is famous because of their beauty standards, but there is a lot of good people, and sometimes the world don’t talk about that part. Luv u and ur comment, thank you (≡^∇^≡)

  3. love yourself and be yourself

    To be honest first i thought why am i not born in korea.After knowing more about korea and korean people Thank god i am not born in korea.I feel really very lucky to born on my place.

    1. 뭘봐

      @love yourself and be yourself I have lived in Korea for 4years. At first, I was a little afraid to hear such beauty standards, but no one pointed out my appearance. Everyone praises me for my appearance. And these days, everyone prefers healthy bodies and worries when they’re too thin.
      When I went to Canada to study, discrimination against my appearance was even worse.
      Most of them like you have such prejudices because Korea has become famous for plastic surgery. If you have never lived in Korea, don’t say like that.

  4. Aysabela

    Well, I understand completely that you wanna remove the liposuction (which we can see by the little bump going against your natural hip curve), but I feel the clinic gave you 2 Korean legs, instead of leaving you with 2 European legs (where they removed completely your hips), which is almost going against your racial features. You know what? Probably many Korean will find you ugly, cause you’re not showing any Korean features. Will you change everything for them? Let me rephrase: will you change your features to please Korean racists that doesn’t understand anything about European beauty? You need to be stronger there otherwise you will be left with none European heritage, and that’s their main goal, take it from my experience.

    1. Ira Maya

      Yea and what if 5 years from now the trend change and they want hourglass in their model industry. Then all the girls will run to the plastic surgeons to get fillers. This makes me so sad.

    1. Divya

      @ushi Well if all top modeling agencies in the country you live in want you to have a thigh gap, it’s easier this way. She didn’t hate her body or was insecure about herself before so it wasn’t for herself, it was for something else is what I mean. I’m not gonna bash her about it or anything but it wasn’t fully her decision is all. It’s the industry that’s sick.

    2. Asia Go

      @NUR ALYA FARZANA BINTI SUHAIMI Moe you’re right But my point is she loved her body and her body was already of a model… She would not have done the plastic surgery if she was not criticized.. it’s like she sacrificed herself for others

    1. Asia Go

      @Sangwoah and your opinion about me makes you a damn little selfish bishh who doesn’t want to consider others’ opinion just because you think you’re the right one I don’t wanna explain myself to you anymore live your life and don’t be selfish u person (at least you’re human)

    2. Asia Go

      @Sangwoah I’ve no interest to read your message completely because you’re spouting nonsense and can’t open your eyes to read and understand what I’m trying to say And you call me dumb? Maybe you’re the dumb bishh

    1. Нурлыгул Калдымырза

      @Romance Club with IaN у нее в аудитории больше иностранцев чем русских. Кто ты такая чтобы ей так говорить? Тебе что субтитры читать трудно ? Строишь из себя кого то

    1. c

      I’m from U.S and I am not tanned I am pale and I would rather choose to be pale then tanned and when I do get in the sun for a long time like when I’m in a pool I get tanned a lot and I don’t like that
      If I ever go to the beach my family is gonna kill me and we would probably get in a argument cause I would want to be in pants and a jacket
      But this summer got me some tanned I can’t wait for school so I can wear pants and sleeves or jackets without getting yelled at becuase it won’t be that hot
      I guess that’s one thing I’m looking forward to about school I can get my pale skin back well somewhat

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