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68 Year Old Undergoes Incredible Facial Plastic Surgery Transformation (Day by Day Healing Process)

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This 68-year-old woman underwent an INCREDIBLE facelift! She had a vertical restore, upper and lower blepharoplasty, facial fat transfer, and laser resurfacing. If you’re thinking about receiving a facelift, you have to see Ellen share her day-by-day healing process!

○ 41 Year Old Undergoes Facelift, Lip Lift, Blepharoplasty, and Fat Transfer to Look 10 Years Younger! –
○ Avoid these HUGE mistakes when looking for a facelift surgeon! How to find the BEST for you! –
○ How This 47 Year Old Was Able to Look 10 Years Younger! Facelift, Neck Lift, full face rejuvenation –
○ Is 40 Too Young For a Facelift? Facial Plastic Surgeon Weighs in and Discusses Common Facial Aging –


For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego Practice, or his natural-looking results, you can find him HERE:

○ @dramirkaram

○ www.drkaram.com

○ info@drkaram.com


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Author: admin



  1. Angie M

    I love that she talked about self shame for wanting to feel better about herself. Women are shamed for aging naturally and also shamed for procedures to address aging concerns. It is a no win situation. This causes so many women to feel this self shame about their appearance. I hope women are able to get to a place where we can talk about aging without judgement towards each other and more empathy. ?

    1. Nell Simpson

      Love this response. I am 62 and dont want to have any procedures but if others choose to do that I am fine with that too. You have to like who you are and do what you feel is best for you.

    1. Jan Strick

      They did not do a good job on Kenny Rogers and he was wealthy ,my mothers friend is very wealthy and she had it done , and she was beautiful before , but after the facelift she looked so bad and 30 years has passed and she still looks bad like what happen to Kenny Rogers , they stretch the face so much , it ruins the eye area

  2. Pandora H

    Beautiful outcome! I had facial rejuvenation almost 11 years ago and how helpful this video would have been to me then! I love how fearless she is in sharing and her outlook and comments about how we shame ourselves and feel shamed by others is so powerful! Thank you both!

  3. Bernadette_RI

    I love the video, thank you both! ??
    Makes me sad that in addition to having to face aging (which in society is considered a bad word) women have to suffer external criticism when they try to improve their exterior, and the imprint of society is so deep that women end up criticizing themselves and feeling inferior for wanting something that society calls superficialities. And the dumbest thing about society is that it is the first to point out your “flaws” or the traits of aging. So, if You have the money go for it, YOU ARE NOT SHALLOW, Your body is your container, you have the right and power to change or improve it to your liking.

    1. Ellen Dolgen

      @ncpascoe I totally understand…I decided to break through all the negative chatter circling in my head and finally I followed MY heart. My only regret, is that I didn’t do it sooner.

    2. Bernadette_RI

      @ncpascoe They are good people, but they are talking about themselves, when people criticize or prejudge what others do, they are not talking about themselves, “The law of the mirror”.
      Please, do not believe their “truth”, because it is not about you is about them, their words are only about themselves. Remember that what others say about us bothers us when we believe them. Live your truth, which is the true one, because only you know what it is to be you, everything that you lived, everything that you went through, only you lived it, others do not know you as you know yourself, do not let others define you.

    3. ncpascoe

      That’s my struggle. I have the $$, I’m 67 and don’t have many wrinkles..skin is in great shape but my neck is terrible. He does the best work but I can’t imagine the criticism from friends and family. They aren’t mean people, they just think it’s uneccessary and selfish

  4. Judy Simpson

    I’ve been following you for quite some time now ….I’m 68 yrs old and found this video so Informative and appreciate the day to day healing process…She looks amazing,refreshed and natural..
    I’m considering a consultation soon .. I’m a retired nurse and of course have the same anxiety undergoing procedures as anyone else, but this lady was so kind to allow us to see her journey through this…love her positive attitude and wonderful compliment to you Dr. Karam!

  5. Janeen Stern

    Dr. Karam, you are a gifted surgeon and artist.. I have been watching your videos for months now.. your results are so natural.. I think this woman was very kind in sharing her journey with us.. Nothing wrong with wanting to look as young as you feel.. ? ?

  6. Mckenzie Schafer

    Love this! Love her results! She looks great !
    I appreciate that she’s unafraid to say that she judged herself harshly.
    I can relate. I’ve felt vain for spending my money on beauty treatments/ procedures.
    But the reality is, that many of us Caucasian women age poorly. Mostly in the face. It’s a bummer. Our bones and and facial fat and skin show the volume loss starting pretty early in life actually.
    Some of us might to be bold and daring and do what it takes to improve our looks .
    To be snipped and stitched isn’t that radical when I really think about it.
    In skilled hands it’s exciting to imagine! To have my face rejuvenated, plumped and snatched!

    1. Michael Alexics

      Well here’s hoping you can find $100,000 and have your face done by him too. This is like someone saying I Mercedes-Benz is such a fabulous car to have it’s got this that and the other and I wish I hadn’t waited so long to get one to people who can only afford a Yarris.

  7. Mk3

    Fantastic video!!!!
    We see so many videos like this, but with younger people, and having someone 60+ sharing their journey with the whole procedures and healing process is great!!
    Congrats for the amazing job Doc!!!!

  8. Shanne R

    Such an amazing video and transformation. You look so natural and healthy. My mom is 66 this year, she has mentioned interest in a facelift but wonders if she is too old. I can’t wait to show her this video, she is healthy and young at heart like you and I would love her to do something for herself as she is always doing for everyone else. Thanks for sharing ❤️

  9. Michelle Danielle

    Wish there where more close ups ! When you showed ur incisions that view was perfect! Had my face lift at 58 not as extensive as yours no upper eye no resurfacing 5 years out I’m thrilled so wonderful for you to share your journey ??❤️ outstanding results!

  10. Sandra Hart

    I would love to see more of these videos! We can see the differences and watching a person’s face lift experience is the best way to be better informed! I can’t wait to have this done. Even my honey wants to do this too! He’s excited we just have to plan it so we can do it together! Thanks so much Dr. Karam for being such a great doctor!

  11. Jan Rat

    Bless you! You look fabulous…and that can make you feel fabulous. I understand where you were coming from. I am 62, and would love to do the same. I had breast cancer and chemo when I was 32, which put me in menopause. Hormone replacement was impossible with the breast cancer..Losing hormones at 32, has accelerated the aging of my face. It can be very discouraging to have a face that doesn’t reflect how I feel inside. And you are absolutely correct, we want to do it for ourselves. I would love to feel refreshed. And you have an amazing physician!

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