Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Video Animation – Guncel Ozturk, MD – #DRGO
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All copyright of this video animation belongs to Dr Guncel Ozturk. It is prohibited to be used without permission from Dr Guncel Ozturk.
Imagine your surgeon watching this tutorial while doing it on you
You just gave future surgeons an idea…
Well , in that case I better quit…
It’s scary ??
Twice once?
Oh fuc-
This seems easy enough to do at home. Imma try it yolo
So what’s the results???
like the guy who did his own gyno surgery
@Dio Brando
@Dio Brando
I want a nose job so damn bad but like I feel like people well be disappointed in me for not just living with it and they’ll be really sad that I’m “fake” now or not my “real self”
Feel that.
Your body your choice, do whatever u want with it as long as you don’t damage it
i do too but i feel so insecure about it and people always make fun of it so screw them.
you’re not doing it for them you’re doing it for you!!!
@Shanto Lion Well, people who know you will notice the change, even if it looks natural.
Imagine sneezing while recovering
@Russell Westbrook yelling at woman and children omg sorry???♀️
I’ve never been insecure of my nose till one day I noticed my nose was a bit big but it didn’t bother me until my sister just laughed at me and said I looked like a witch because of my nose and then my brother started to say stuff about my nose and my mom also said comments about my nose Once I have enough money for a good doctor I’ll finally be able to seal my insecurity
You don’t need to do surgery for nose , i can see how painful it is …. insecurity won’t go away … it need to be treated from root cause , if you fix your nose , people would pick some thing else ., be contented and proud what you have naturally,. Sorry to hear about your family’s comments but may be they are just doing fun families do that often ( although it’s not fun )
My all family has not perfect noses and I am married to a man who and his family have perfect nose , they are v proud of their nose assets ? but I enjoy when some one pokes on my nose , I don’t take it serious as I have been raised in a family where physical flawas were not the cause of any insecurity, relax and love your self , you are very unique, no one can match the other , every one is so different
no get a new familly
I love witch noses. Look at Meryl Streep and Princess Di
sometimes i just look in the mirror and ask my self “why me? “why i have to be ugly?” “just why me?” “why was i not born perfect like others” “why why me?” 🙁
Same here I was born with a long loopy big nose and I get jealous when I see girls that have small cute Noses
Yep I feel your pain… I look at my husband and think why did he marry me?
nobody is perfect…the ‘perfect ‘ people you see clearly went under the knife…
I don’t even want a nose job. I’m just curious to see how this works cuz it do b cool asf
@Let me talk Let me talk!! What’s wrong with their comment?
No one asked…
same tbh lmao
@Let me talk Let me talk!! No one asked u to say “No one asked…”
As vezes no silencio da noite,eu fico imaginando nois dois
No one:
Absolutely no one:
My nostrils: ⚫️⚫️
??? I feel you bro
Can relate:(
DG jin not really, I find bigger nostrils way more attractive
@Duck Quack nope it’s not good..big nose makes u unphotogenic..n when u look up people will c d dirt inside easily lol
Imagine that you are on the healing process then some stranger suddenly punches your nose for no reason…
@Merve Öztürk how is ur nose looking now? (High and slim?)
@JiangCheng Zidian I am very fine, thank you!:)
@Merve Öztürk I hope it’s better now, is it fine now?
@Hitman I like it very much. Yes, high and slim ✌? also breathing well. Thats crucial for me.
@Merve Öztürk well, that sounds so successful ??
I can finally feel my personality coming back
I’m at a point where even if my nose does get botched, it’ll at least look better than it did before.
and that’s on ✨ insecurities✨
Thank you love I’m omw to the kitchen to get a knife and some pork to get the cartilage, I love this tutorial ?
Holy Holy Holy oooohhhhh..! I feel goosebumps..!
Fantastic video! It really changed the way I perceive the universe. This gave me my faith in god back! Thank so much for this inspiring video.. !
Lmao what
got a nose job a week ago. best decision i’ve ever made
Wow I was dying to listen this statement ?
Was it painful and how much it cost
Where did u have surgery if I can ask
I wanna do this but it lowkey seems really painful and scary like all of that just for a pretty nose, why couldn’t I just be born with a cute nose ?
Manifestation girl
Ugh same
as long as you have pain medicine it doesnt rlly matter
@FootballsGoneToRome 😛 good thing I won’t have a kid
just had this, first week was awful, then i found my nose being perfectly straight, humpless, no more loose tip. worth it (it was open surgery)
@Promila Sarpaul same
Unurbold Jigmeddagva I just want to know does it pains a lot?
If that’s you in the pic, you look hella fine ?
I wish I have a fine nose???I always feel insecure and most times when I’m talking with someone I just think they focus on my nose alone ???
Same here yall
@Rus Lander good advice yeah you are happy the way you are I can see it in your face ❤️❤️❤️
You can decide to stop giving a damn about what other people think, and start hanging out with friends that appreciate you the way you are. That’s how I got over it, and I have the biggest nose you’ll see ?
@Elango Kumar thanks
For everyone saying they’re scared – am I the only person who doesn’t care and will still continue to have the idea of getting nose surgery despite the pain? ?
For me, I love the way I look and I think I’m pretty, so I want to stay natural. I just want to lose some weight lol
@Lucy After 2 weeks I looked 95% back to normal but was by no means fully healed. This will vary slightly with the amount of work and shaping that needs to be done, of course. Total healing does take a while so you will need to be patient and follow your doctors advice. When it’s all said and done you will be thanking yourself for going through with it. I’m still impressed with my profile after all these years and have no idea why I waited so long. There are many rhinoplasty recovery stories and vlogs online I would recommend checking out. Best of luck.
@This Time did it only takes 2 weeks to fully recover?? Soon I’m getting surgery to remove my upper nose bump since I have a roman nose and I’m worried about it lasting over a month
@Miguel Di Bella I got it done in 2014. I was 32 at the time.
@This Time one more question lol at what age did u got it?