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Rhinoplasty Nose Surgery Animation – Dr. Steve Merten in Sydney, Australia

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In this animated video from Pure Aesthetics, learn more about rhinoplasty or nose re-shaping surgery from widely-respected Sydney plastic surgeon, Dr. Steve Merten. Dr Merten is a specialist plastic surgeon, utilizing only advanced technology and techniques to perform a wide array of plastic & cosmetic surgery procedures.

For more detailed information on rhinoplasty or other procedures offered by Dr. Steve Merten at Pure Aesthetics, please visit our website or contact us directly.

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Author: admin



    1. SOMEONE !

      Don’t worry,we’re all not always satisfyed by what we already have and it’s okay,just learn to accept yourself it’s very important..so i’m i’m still writing dis 2 f*cking years later lol??

  1. August Zabriskie

    I had this procedure done in 1996.  I had always been self conscience of my “roman” bridge and crooked tip.  It was all vanity and I knew it but wanted it anyway.  Recovery was very uncomfortable but not long.  Am I glad I did it?  You bet I am.  It may be a phony nose but it looks great and I feel good about it.

    1. August Zabriskie

      Sounds a lot like what I was going through.  It did take a while for all the swelling go away.  It seems like it was about a month, although every day got better.  As a guy myself (and an ex-fighter) I felt a little weird having a cosmetic procedure done.  But after it’s all said and done it was a good decision.  I am no longer self conscious of my bumpy crooked nose.  Look at it this way:  For the rest of your life you will look in the mirror and see a better looking you.  Enjoy it.  The process is a pain, literally, but I would do it again.

    2. August Zabriskie

      @VerticZone™ Trickshoting l Feeding Clan Won’t blow smoke at ya.  When I woke I felt like I’d been hit with a hammer between the eyes.  My head was pounding, too.  But very quickly they had me on heavy duty pain killers that way lessened the discomfort.  The part I didn’t like was, I think, about 5 days with heavy packing in my nose so I had to be a mouth breather.  It went by quickly.  When the Dr. took out the packing and I looked in the mirror I smiled ear to ear.  Loved it.  Go for it. 

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