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Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction

After Liposuction you’re extremely swollen and have bruising, and to get a really Hi Def, defined look you have to remove this swelling and allow the tissue to heal. One of the most important things besides compression after liposuction is doing lymphatic massage.

Here you can see doing a specific type of massage called lymphatic massage. This allows the fluid to move superficially through the skin and out through the drainage tubes. Immediately when you do this massage, you can see the contour and the the shape, you can see the ab muscles being defined, you can also see that there are no irregularities or the potential for fluid build up.


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  1. SPBE4

    I agree! It’s a very good thing to do following liposuction! But it is VERY, VERY important that the masseuse is specifically CERTIFIED IN lymphatic drainage massage, and is not just a licensed massage therapist. This is VERY important.

    1. cony cortes cony

      I am looking to get certified in this specific technique. could you please give me an idea as what schools are offering this certification? I contacted one school that aims to specialize in lymphatic massage but they havd not idea about post lipo :/ @Jason Emer, MD

  2. Mk3

    Most people in Brazil get lymphatic massages after cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck and so on, it’s great for draining all the fluids and heal better and faster!!

    1. Jason Emer, MD

      Derm Merd while draining out the fluid it can be a bit uncomfortable but it’s not for too long and a necessity for best results. Fluid in the body can cause scar tissue and the minimal pain is worth the safer results.

      You can find out more about this procedure, my technique, and schedule a virtual consultation at http://www.JasonEmerMD.com ?

      To find out more about HD Lipo and the post op treatments click here:

  3. DanielleMarie

    I am having some wound issue on my middle incision from my tummy tuck and lipo 2 weeks ago. I can’t carry the motion all the way down to my growing so where should I carry the hardness on the flanks to? Should I move up towards the arm pit??

    1. Olivia O'connor

      Get a professional to do few manual lymph drainage massages they will best be able to decide the best route. But you can still push fluid towards the open wound it will just empty from the wound site instead of a lymph node as it did with the drains inserted.

  4. Mackenzie Evita

    Hey there! Quick question I had lipo feb 25th I have noticed lumps ( looks as if it’s extreme cellulite) is it too late for me to help break up this scar tissue/do lymphatic massage now? Thanks!

  5. Hud Alex Dalla Vecchia

    I did it on myself Jason as I’m an Aesthetic Practitioner but strangely the skin on my tummy did not retract enough neither got bounded into the muscle. My doctor did very well job, there was no fat left however, I was disappointed with the skin as I have a muscular abs and I still can’t see it properly after 2 years after the procedure was done. I was wondering if I may have done too much lymphatic drainage as I’m a 42 y/o male quite health I mean the skin should retract, right? I’m wondering would you recommend any other procedure as I don’t have skin enough to cut it out. Thank you.

    1. Jason Emer, MD

      massage doesnt make up for chosing the right procedure to begin with. you may have needed to have skin removal at the same time? i am not sure since i do not know your situation but at this point its either doing a revision procedure with or without skin removal or starting non invasive treatments like vanquish, exilis, cellultone/zwave, venus legacy etc. come see us! jasonemermd.com

    2. Michele Dodd

      My Dr didn’t recommend massage for that very reason when you go sliding around on skin like that it doesn’t want to retract onto the muscle like it’s supposed to and swelling is healing it is what produces the collagen and builds a tight girdle around the abdomen swelling goes down on it’s own after healing.

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