Blepharoplasty Before and After Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery in Los Angeles
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A typical primary eyelid surgery takes between one to two hours. No patient is ever rushed to achieve the best results.
Your health insurance may cover the cost of upper eyelid surgery if it is causing problems with your superior visual field. After your initial consultation with Dr. Kami Parsa he can tell you if you may be eligible and if further tests are necessary to determine eligibility.
Most cosmetic eyelid surgery can be performed under local anesthesia. If desired, local anesthesia with sedation can be performed. This type of anesthesia, also known as Monitored Anesthesia Care or MAC, is performed by an anesthesiologist. The main advantages of this anesthesia are: (1) it does not require putting a breathing tube in the throat, (2) it does not require a breathing machine, (3) the recovery is much faster, (4) there is less nausea after surgery. All of these elements translate into greater comfort and safety. During MAC anesthesia, an intravenous needle is placed into one of the veins of the arm or hand. Relaxing medication is given to make the patient fall asleep. The amount of medication is adjusted as needed. After the patient is asleep, numbing medicine is placed in the skin of the area that is being operated on. During the procedure the patient is unaware of anything going on and cannot hear anything, yet he or she is breathing normally.
Eyelid Surgery Recovery: Depending on the persons previous medical history there will be some swelling and bruising around the eyelids for one week. Most patients can return to work after 5 to 7 days. There is minimal eye discomfort after eyelid surgery. Ice packs are recommended for the first 2 days to decrease swelling. Arnica & Bromoline will help reduce swelling and bruising.
Dr. Kami Parsa
465 N. Roxbury Dr. Suite 1001
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Video Produced by James Mutter,
wow natural appearance and no scar,, do you correct enophthalmos? or it is done only by craniofacial surgeon?
Great work! I had mine done in February in Nashville. I was back to work 1 week later, and the cost was just above $3000. So happy I did it!
Rosie Wiley Robins Plastic Surgery, and no pain ??
What the name of the facility u got ur eyes done at, did you have a lot of pain? Thanks
Thanks- great video! I’m a corporate exec, former model, & always had hooded eyes like Blake Lively. They’re pretty but I dislike the pressure on my upper lids. My friend, a facial surgeon, says it’s from fat pads that should be removed. In my profession I don’t want eyes that look too “done.” Can fat be removed & eyes still look natural?
How much does this procedure usually cost? I have pretty uneven eyelids and they always put a sense of self awareness in my head. It’s something so small but it bothers me so much.
Mine got so bad. After my hysterectomy I aged 10 years instantly.
I had my upper blepharoplasty done 2 weeks ago. My scars are still raised, grooved, lumpy and bumpy, mainly where the sutures were. I can’t cover these texturized scars with makeup, I tried. I’m taking 3 weeks off from work because of it.
Do you have any tips Doctor?
I appreciate any feedback.
Entrust your eyelids to those who know most about the eyes: the Oculoplastic Ophthalmologist (Not the General Plastic Surgeon)
i feel what you’re going through sister, i really do.
best thing to do is try to be not so selfconcious about it and meanwhile pray that one day you might win a lottery ticket to get the surgery done lol.
best of luck to you, my heave eyelided friend.
Looks very natural.. I may look into this as I age..
Entrust your eyelids to those who know most about the eyes: the Oculoplastic Ophthalmologist (Not the General Plastic Surgeon)
I have the exact same problem! I have droopy lids too, and when I lift my eyebrows to put on makeup it looks really good, and just like you said, but when I lower them and you can’t see it because of the extra skin. Ug.
@NatiGTW Man I know its really vein but I just realised I am in the EXACT same situation too (From the men on my mothers side). In fact this is the first time I have discovered why I actually have creases on my forehead (because ofsubconsciously raising my brows so ). It’s probably really taboo for a guy to be thinking about this sort of stuff but thanks for helping my find the one true thing that has always bothered me about the way I look. And @Jenlyn1984 thanks for the info too.
great video, great work !! tank you so much..
I am 27 years old and I have upper eyelid drooping. It’s my anatomical configuration, I want to make blepharoplasty. Do you recomend me to do in my age?
Thank you in advance
nino revishvili did you end up doing it?
I was thinking the same thing. A Fraxel treatment on her lower eyelids probably would reduce or eliminate those fine lines — and without surgery. It would be the perfect complement to her upper eyelid procedure.
Does one have to pay up front in full or can there be monthly payments?
I have the same problem, even though I’m only 16, it’s in my genetics, eveyone from my dad’s family had droppy eyelids. It really bothers me, it cannot be seen that easily because I raise my eyebrows like all the time, but when I forget to do that I look horrible, like I’m mad/tired/eventually fat. If I ever have cash to do this surgery, I probably will.
cost for eyelid surgery is b/w 3000 to 6000
there are multiple factors and it depends on what type of surgery you will need.
It’s incredible how a little detail like that can change my face, I’m so insecure about it, I can’t even go through a conversation with a guy and not think about my eyelids. I hope we’ll both get our eyes done. And the worst part is how people don’t understand how much it effects my life and my family saying “but maybe you’re pretty because of them” is certainly making it x5 times worse. I wanna be able to take photos and not think about how my eyes will look.
Did you get it done
i’m 26 and i was born with really hooded eyelids. i don’t know when to get this surgery. they’re not hooded from age, so i don’t see the point in waiting until i’m older b/c its ALWAYS been there.
same here. I’m 18, when i put on make-up, I raise my eyebrows, get an awesome eyeshadow look done and look kinda pretty – then I stop raising my eyebrows and can’t even see the makeup and look completly grumpy x.x When I can talk my parents into letting me do this, or got the money myself, I will also get this done.