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Best FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, LA area. FUE Hair Restoration in LA.

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www.lafuehairclinic.com (626) 222-8888 As you can see from our Before and After photos, we offer great hair transplant and the best natural looking FUE follicular unit extraction hair transplant surgery and hair restoration surgery services in Los Angeles for hair loss, male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) or female pattern baldness.

Dr. George Abrahamian MD and Jacques Abrahamian MPAS, PAC and their team/associates are pioneers and experts in the field of FUE hair restoration and hair transplants.

Celebrities such as Wayne Rooney, Robbie Williams, Bolton have made hair restoration a popular procedure than years prior when getting a hair transplant was not as prevalent. In the last several years, advancements have been made in the field of hair restoration such as the development of the robotic Artas machine and Neograft.

We specialize and are leaders in FUE follicular unit extraction hair transplants and hair restorations.

We also specialize in hair transplant repairs from previous procedures, FUSS strip scar repairs using scalp micropigmentation SMP, along with body hair transplants BHT and eyebrow restorations. We also offer scalp hair platelet rich plasma PRP.

Our patients come to see us from around the world, including New York City, Beverly Hills, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, Seattle, Boston, Oregon, Texas (Dallas) Canada (Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal) Mexico City, Australia (Sydney), London, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, France (Paris, Monaco) Turkey (Istanbul) Germany, Israel (Tel Aviv) Dubai, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Beirut (Lebanon) Kuwait, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, India, Indonesia and Russia (Moscow).

We are leaders in FUE and are known for our natural hairline designs, temple angle closures, and one day mega sessions of up to 7 thousand grafts. Our FUE grafts are one of the most affordable in the US and internationally compared.

Cosmetic surgery/plastic surgery is becoming more popular as people are doing their best to look younger and build their confidence back.

LA FUE Hair Clinic 960 East Green Street Suite 106, Pasadena CA 91106



PHONE: (626) 222-8888
ADDRESS: 960 East Green Street Suite 106, Pasadena CA 911
WEBSITE: www.lafuehairclinic.com

Click Here to Contact Us

Author: admin



  1. Lord Mono

    I’d like to get my surgery done at your clinic cuz I think you guys are the best, I just have one question, do you issue some kind of document for out-country patients to demonstrate that my visit to the U.S. is for medical reasons?
    Thank you in advance.

    1. LA FUE Hair Clinic - Los Angeles FUE Hair Transplant Clinic

      @Raja Cali We do in person as well as virtual consultations. Feel free to call our clinic to schedule your complimentary consultation, our number is 626-222-8888. Take care and stay safe!

  2. Mukul Sharma

    Sir I have a question once when I was a child then I got hurt on my head and blood comes out from that area after the doctors used to stick that area after that hair doesn’t come on that area so can hair transplant surgery be done on that stiched area

    1. LA FUE Hair Clinic - Los Angeles FUE Hair Transplant Clinic

      Hello, thank you for the post and message. Yes, you can transplant hairs in an area that has scar tissue, but the survival rate can drop because it is scar tissue and there can be lack of blood flow, which may affect the final outcome/survival rate.

    1. LA FUE Hair Clinic - Los Angeles FUE Hair Transplant Clinic

      The procedure was performed last week. The results can take up to 14 months to achieve full growth. We will definitely past the updated photos to our Instagram page under @la.fue.hair.clinic hope this helps a bit, thank you for watching again 🙂

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