FineTouch Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Redondo Beach, Los ANgeles – Sanusi Umar, MD
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Dr Sanusi Umar and his staff at FineTouch Dermatology Inc are committed to revealing to you and the world the beauty that shines within you. By not leaving you with that surgical look D Umar and his staff utilize the most up to date minimally invasive techniques to give you results with which you can face the world with new confidence. Common conditions treated include: Acne, wrinkles, age and sun spots, enlarged pores, birth marks moles, fat collections, excessive facial and body hair, facial and leg veins etc.
Common techniques offered include, the Fraxel family of lasers, V-Beam, Hair removal lasers, Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse, Restylane, fat transfer, liposuction, facelifts, eye lid surgery (Blepharoplasties), leg vein laser treatments, sclerotherapy, phtodynamic acne treatment Sonopeel, and specially selected skin care lines including our best selling all natural organic stem cell skin care line, Latisse eyelash growth agent, Epicuren, Precribed solution etc.