Retinol 101: Plastic Surgeon Shares How to Start Using Retinol for MAXIMUM Anti-Aging Benefits
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The ultimate guide to Retinol for beginners! Dr. Karam shares with you important tips on how to get the maximum benefits out of retinoids for anti-aging. He goes over the differences between Retinol and Retin-A, how to get started with Retinol, common misconceptions, and so much more.
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For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego Practice, or his natural-looking results, you can find him HERE:
○ @dramirkaram
Thank you for the refresher. I’m going to up my game now and try to be consistent. I always felt I shouldn’t be using my Retin A during the summer, even though I’m diligent with my sunscreen always!
@Rob C Thank you, that’s nice of you to say!
You look amazing though!
I’m 63 and started using Retin A four years ago. I spent a small fortune on lotions and potions that did absolutely nothing for my skin. My biggest regret is not starting sooner. I will never be without my Retin A, Cerave PM and Australian Gold Botanticals tinted sunscreen. Love your channel❤️
@Zara Ch I wouldn’t use a cream with so much synthetic fragrance in it.
Love the Australian Gold. Never leave the house without it. Use Roc retinol. Every night.
@Zara Ch yes you can use a moisturizer with Retin a. Put on moisturizer first, then apply the Retin a. And if you’re just starting, only use it once or twice a week and slowly build up to nightly application.
Can i use retin A ,with nivea moisturizing cream?? I m just going to start retin A after watching u without prescription. Is that ok ? I m 30
Keep it up ma’am ❤️
I love me some Retin-A! I’m 32 and started using it at 30 years old, along with a great sunscreen. On a different note, this doctor skin is absolutely gorgeous ❤️
@Aena 5 Retin-a is approved for teenagers because it was developed to treat acne in teenagers, so it’s definitely safe to use. Would make sense to use an over-the-counter retinol and then eventually shift to Retin-a.
@Ally Watson Hey Ally! The affects take about 3 to 6 months to be noticeable so definitely hang in there! And Retin-a is particularly effective in long term use (meaning years), so you’ll be thankful in your 40s if you stick with it. If you’ve managed the first 4 months with it you should absolutely keep on! And sunblock at least twice a day!
LOL he is obviously using a bad video filter. His skin glitches. Don’t be fooled by the internet
Hey 🙂 I started retin a 4 months ago, but not sure it’s doing anything. I’m 33, very pale – so super thin skin.
How long did it take to notice a difference for you?
Just turned 20 in 2021 not sure if I should take retinol yet ..
I completely agree. I started Retin A 10 weeks ago and it has been the best thing I have done towards anti aging. It has completely transformed my skin. Yes, my skin initially peeled but now my skin is accustomed to it and it all I have are amazing results.
Hi. What brand are u using? Thanks
What is your age plz guide me may age 8s 35 and my skin is very dull
@WORLD GOAL plzz tell me also
I decided that during the pandemic was a great time to start Retin-a because I couldn’t go out anyway! I stopped all other actives and only used moisturizer and sunscreen daily. I’ve been using 0.5% daily since March and my skin looks better than it has in 15 years. I usually pass for 10 years younger with people who don’t know me.
@Jessica Mabry well played! You look amazing ?
@MM Hope didn’t the dr just say you purge from retinol/retin-a?
Jessica Mabry- I think you look great! I’ve been using tretinoin cream (retin A) for about 13 years and recently vitamin c. It does work. I just turned 55 and I get the same reactions. People think I’m younger. I also watch my diet and eat low carb, whole nutrient dense foods and very few preservatives, premade foods or fast foods.. I drink a lot of water, green teas, one coffee in the morning. I do intermittent fasting 16/8 with two meals one small snack in between. I do get excercise and I sleep at least 7 hours a night. A good probiotic and some other vitamins like coq10 I take as well. I was worried about getting the middle aged muffin top, ugh…also having to take unnecessary medications that I could avoid through diet and some excercise. I can still wear a bikini (I have no artificial body parts) and look halfway decent, even see my abs a litte, yay! I think it’s very possible to age well. You seem like you are doing great in the aging department, so don’t let the negative Nellies rain on your parade. You keep on living your best life. God bless. ?
@Jessica Mabry That comment was way off! You do look like you’re in your 30s
Which brand are you using?
Thank you Doctor for this amazing encouragement to continue with retin-A/retinol. I started for around 6 months with retin-A and saw amazing results but since I’m doing chemical peels and laser hair removal I stopped. Do you have anything you would recommend while doing this, ex: regular retinol instead of retin- A, other ingredients?
This was really interesting. Thank you. I have always been scared of retinoids as like you pointed out, my skin purged and it freaked me out. I’ve always had a good skin care routine am/pm. I’m 37 this month. However I decided to incorporate the ordinary retinol 2% granulative emulsion in my pm routine. So far I’m so happy! No purging. It’s buffered enough that it’s not irritated my skin. In a month or 2 I will up the dose when my skin is used to it.
The ordinary are my go to. I just love their products and affordable prices. In the am I cleanse my skin with cerave foaming ceramide wash. I then use niacinamide10% /zinc 2%, followed by the buffet serum with copper peptides. I then apply some alpha arbutin with H/A. To lock it all in I will use la Roche posay effaclar H or K plus depending on my skin and the weather. In the evening I do the same but use the retinoids last before moisturiser
Once a week I will use an Aha/bha peeling solution but make sure I avoid putting the retinoids on that night. Hope this helps people who have oily combo, breakout prone skin.
Love the ordinary products as well!!?
@정세훈 Granactive Retinoid won’t work well?
This was helpful! I’m just like you! Thanks!
@Julie Russell Thanks?
Not to be a party pooper, but please be aware that “Granactive Retinoid” has zero clinical data that it actually works at all, so you’re living on a prayer.
I am 50 and you hit all the reasons I have avoided using Retin-A and I take great acre of my skin. I will slowly implement it into my skincare nightly routine. Thank you for the informative video.
So true, Doc…I use Retin-a every night. If I don’t use it even for one night, my skin knows and it starts its cycle all over again. I’ve been very consistent with the use of Retin-a for 10 years…it is really necessary as the no. 1 step to anti aging in my opinion. More vids, please.
I’ll be 31 years old this year and just start using Retinoids since last year. This video is very helpful for me !! Thank u very much Dr. ?♥️
What a great video Doctor. Thank you for doing it. ❤️ I wish I knew it years ago, but it’s never late to improve ourselves. When we feel beautiful life is happier.
Between Accutane (twice) at 16-18 and now Retin-A Micro, I am so happy to have been born post-retinol period. I went from cystic acne/pizza face to a small white head every 3 months.
@Reema Faisal Accutane was over 16 years ago, so my memory is shoddy. What I remember though is having a hand written calendar w/ number of pills to take each day. I alternated 2x capsules and 3x capsules every other day of the lowest dose.
Great! Can u plz tell me ur accutane dosage and did u take it twice, day and night? Also for how many months was each cycle?
With the sunscreen it’s also so important to remember to reapply! Develop good sun protection habits: 1) Minimum 30 SPF but 50 is preferable. 2) Reapply at least 2-3 times a day. 3) Wear a broad brimmed hat/sunglasses with UV protection. 4) Wear long sleeved clothing. 5) Limit your time outdoors and seek shade.
True. Many experts left out the importance of reapplication of sunscreen.
@Inanimatemist exactly its sounds so stupid to limit your time outdoors regardless of how much sun ages you…. Foolish people are okay to get cancers but they want to get exposed to sun…. aren’t we born to survive in this planet? Imagine a life without sun.
You only need to reapply when you’re in full sunshine all day long because sunshine breaks down the sunscreen For normal daily activities once is enough
That sounds like an awful way to live, who tf wants to put sunscreen on 3 times a day plus always wear a hat, and barely got outside
Have been using retinal for 2 years now – I am 61 years and my skin now looks better than when I was 20 years old
Really, better then when you were 20, I doubt it…
Very educational video… thank you. Do you use your own products on your own face? Can you do ‘before’ and ‘after’ videos/close-ups so we can see how your product has worked on your own face? I used some OTC retinoate under my eyes last year and then saw a vein appearing – so that put me off a bit, thinking it was thinning my skin. The vein is still showing. I am wondering if using a product like this can ever cover up a vein once it appears.
Great info. I was told to use my Retin A everyday. But no one told me how to use it and, exactly as you said, I had stopped using because I was peeling every single day. So I decided to use it once a week. Now with your instructions on how to use it I’ll start using that way until I build up to using it everyday.
@John Ayala John, thank you. May I ask, if you don’t mind, what Vit C and Niacinamide you use?
Patra K, it’s important to use it daily. I started using Retinol 35+ years ago initially 2x a week, then 3x a week, then 4x a week to daily after I have built a tolerance after about 3-4 weeks. At 60, I have zero fine lines or wrinkles. I didn’t get botox.or facelift. Almost everyday I get a compliment on how great my skin is and many people have asked about my skincare routines & how I managed to be free of wrinkles & fine lines but as a man, I get embarrassed to get such attention… that was my unintended goal & I get embarrassed by the daily compliments. But I guess it’s better than looking wrinkly. I can’t complain.
Keep using retinol, vit C, Niacinamide & good moisturizers and your skin will thank you for it as you get older.?
Do use it before you go to bed you clean your face and dried very well after you dry your skin sufficiently then you apply RETIN-A. If your face is moist – you will get redness.
Within 10 days you still expect to get some redness if you use stronger than necessary RETIN-A. I have started back in time with 0.025%
Then I started using 0.5% a few months and after that I started using 0.1% which is the strongest version. Duper assist with drain your face carefully and then applying the RETIN-A
After period of time I started applying after RETIN-A has absorbed in my skin – I applied moisturizer and it worked very well for me. But my skin already was used to it – of course – don’t put around the eyes and around the mouth, Is this a different issues and it will irritate your skin. Apply heavily on the forehead on the side of the cheeks around the nose under the chin on the chin almost close to the mouth but not in the creases. And be careful not to have it go into the crevices of your eyeballs it can get irritating. But once you establish your habits then you’ll be fine it will work beautifully
Look at my comment above…
@Shahana Siddiqui LOL
I am 45 as in my profile picture and I started using Tretinoin 0.1% about 2 years ago. Initially it was the most unpleasant and difficult treatment I ever experienced. I had peeling, flaking, severe dryness, inflammation and itchy skin for almost 12 months ( yes that long). But now after 2 years I use it everyday without fail on my face, neck, décolletage and back of my hands. My pregnancy melasma, fine lines and dark circles reduced by almost 90%. My advice persevere and you will not be disappointed. Everyone has their own unique skin structure and tolerance. So don’t listen to downers it is literally magic in a tube . Just make sure you use a lot of ceramides and oatmeal in your skincare to reduce the side effects ❤️
Thank you very much for your advice! It seems I unconsciously do the right things ? I am 42, I wear SPF daily since 19, I have incorporated vit C + E to my daily regime and the Retinol is new to me. Despite this people think I am 10 yrs less – I do the face gymnastics. So now it’s time for some retinoid ?
I also hope some day I could visit your office…
Adriana, SVK ??
Great topic. Would love to hear more about how to precisely manage each step of the routine considering skincare 🙂