Why You’ll REGRET Getting this Trendy Plastic Surgery Procedure (Fox eye surgery trend)
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The fox eye trend is quickly becoming one of the most popular plastic surgery trends out there. BUT, if you decide to get this surgery done, you WILL regret it. Here is why.
00:00 – Intro
00:22 – What is a Cat-Eye Procedure?
1:03 – Where Did This Trend Start?
1:36 – The Problem with Plastic Surgery Trends
3:37 – Remember THIS
4:21- Outro
○ This method of getting facial filler will make you look older NOT younger –
○ Is 40 Too Young For a Facelift? Facial Plastic Surgeon Weighs in –
○ Bella Hadid Plastic Surgery UPDATE –
○ Kylie Jenner: Plastic Surgery –
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#Foxeyesurgery #plasticsurgery
Every generation of young people thinks their standard of beauty will always be popular. That’s why millions of women have permanently over-plucked thin eyebrows.
I feel attacked, lol. Just kidding, you are so right. I over plucked my brows all through the 90’s and eventually, they don’t grow back.
After awhile of continual plucking, eyebrows don’t grow back. A medium to thick brow will frame the face and make you look more youthful
@Kylie Baker in some cases dark eyebrows are natural with natural light blonde hair. My friends girl friend had them as a kid, she showed us pictures. & still has them. She tried having them dyed once, but they turned a copper color, so she leaves them alone.
Overplucked eyebrow woman here. You’re right. I’m 30 and I’m sick and tired of drawing on my brows every single day for 17 years now. Def. not worth it.
@Stéfani Rodrigues ??? I’ve never heard that before
The pillow face is another bad look for over filling or just not taking the face structure into account.Thank you for saying let’s look human like we are.
I agree and their skin looks like a weird, plastic type of skin that looks like melted butter texture look. Who the heck knows but their skin looks gross looking though.
@bihbhkjbnlk putting your body,let alone your face, through so many procedures means your body is constantly having to heal itself…that strain on the immune system can’t be good in old age which no one can avoid
@Janna Sigua frrr
@bihbhkjbnlk But Madonna wants to gaslight people who know she’s 63 into thinking she stopped aging at 33. She’s so weird. Like a pod person.
Doctor, you are doing women, in particular, a great service by advising them against making unnatural changes that go in and out of fashion quickly.
Yeah, is important to always look for a good surgeon that you actually trust. They should tell you what surgeries you should get and what surgeries you don’t. I’m a boy and was evaluating the possibilitie to get this surgery. It looks good on women, some men with foxy eyes also look amazing but i don’t know if this would fix me… so other options are acceptable and more considering this is a trend.
@IngeniousMaultasche that’s what I wonder. How will they look when they are older? I used to have more hooded eyelids when I was younger. Now I’m almost 40 and alot of hoodedness has gone away on its own. I wonder if I had an eye lift when I was younger, how would it look now when the puffiness fades on its own.
@jotaro kujo That doesn’t make sense though.
“doctor, you’re doing women”
That’s where the sentence should have ended 🙂
@MissHannah2036 Madison didn’t get any of those stuff you mentioned except for lip fillers(which she dissolved) if you see her without makeup she still looked the same when she was 12.
Watching the surgeon cut through the eye is terrifying! ?
It looks beautiful
I freaked out and almost puked ?. No ma’am that procedure looks horrible.
Makes you think twice about the surgery for sure
Yes it is.
I feel like people back in the day got surgery to make a “abnormal” feature more “normal” now people do the opposite to stand out. The best example is the Kardashians and their crazy body proportions
Plus Kim wasn’t famous for anything she was trying to become famous and she saw J Lo be famous for her but so she did just that.
They’ll say “We work out 5 to 6 times a week.”??
@gorgeous it’s the “out of the box” thing. Everyone wants to be different lol in the end they keeping changing their outside and not addressing what’s inside
The “normal” changed.
People need to love their self more and stop comparing to others
A lot of these girls are starting to look so similar to one another since they all want the same nose, lips and now eyes. I think being unique is more beautiful
I always disliked my nose. I would always dream of making my nose smaller. But then I started to see the same IG face everywhere. I’m scared to look like everyone else now, so I think I’m okay
True. I have seen many beautiful noses around me but i barely see titlted fat noses like mine which in turn make me more insecure. I will not lie and I will admit that I want a pretty nose.
As intended… ❤ yes (“… unique is beautiful) –
‘Plastic’ surgery, is like having the power to step on a divine canvas. Just because, one can. Yet… after regret, it can’t be put back again…
what if, a cartoonist, (for instance) got a hold of the mona lisa.
The face is, so rich, and as one ages, it goes through different compositions.
Remember that awkward stage, about 7 or 8, when character takes its turn. Not a time, to be deciding, what works vs what doesn’t work.
@Carina Snape Carina Snape sorry about some spelling and grammatical errors but it wouldn’t let me send corrections after I went in to edit ; so it has to stay in its original form as it’s just too much to re-write .
But I do know that eating disorders are no joke and I really do WISH YOU WELL .
Years ago when I was only 18 and 19 yrs old I had a bleeding ulcer in my stomach … I was throwing up blood and passing blood and it was almost impossible to eat .
The pain in my stomach was pretty unbearable and there constantly .
I was EMACIATED … I looked like a walking SKELETON and people were trying to accuse me of being anorexic .
We also had a friend from high school who became bulimic and spent thousands and thousands of dollars on doctors and therapists .
@gardensofthegods i wouldn’t even say that it’s just narcissism. When i was younger i was so insecure because of all the things Media shows (and doesn’t show) and i wanted to ‘fix’ everything on my body. I don’t want that anymore but i still suffer from body dysphoria and eating disorders. I think many people who get plastic surgery just want to fit in and feel really insecure. That’s what i observed growing up among many other girls
I’m so glad my doctor is like you. He has talked me out of so many procedures and saved me from looking unrecognizable. Everything I get is very natural to the point when I tell someone I have fillers or Botox, they don’t believe me because it looks so good.
You look stunning
Don’t bother with these comments, from your pic you look natural but just have wigs/lashes/makeup and filters. Having these are still considered natural.
I want to find a doctor like that!
@Mariama-Lola Bah I know…My niece looks like an Instagram model. And she never had any surgery. I watched this little girl grow up. Some ppl are just jealous that some ppl are naturally beautiful and fit the standards.
Bella Hadid looks nothing like her original self.
Herself = elf ???
Alena D … You might want to see a really fascinating video about the various surgeries BELLA HADID underwent to COMPLETELY alter her face so that she looks like a TOTALLY DIFFERENT person .
The BEFORE-AND-AFTER pictures are mind blowing .
I’m talking about the more recent vid as there are 2 about Bella Hadid on the
LORRY HILL channel
@J t lol, true
Imagine when she has kids! She’s going to have to explain to them why mommy looks like a fox & they look like potatoes
@MissHannah2036 but she’s a multi-millionaire, we aren’t
In germany we call surgically big lips „Schlauchboot Lippen“ aka inflatable boat lips, so him saying the trend „floats away“ was hilarious to me ?
Omg that is hilarious!
Germany ?????
As a young girl, a nun at my French convent school gave me best beauty tip ever. She said “There’s no trick to good skin. Moisturise often ,& stay out of the sun”. Followed her advice all my life. You know what? It works! As for young women wanting to look like vacuous celebs. Why oh why?
Yeah, staying out of the sun is definitly the key. It’s incredible how much it damages your skin. A friend I have who have sunbathed for hours every summer looks 6-7 years older than she is, and she is only in her thirties. I am so glad I have skin that doesn’t tolerate sun anyway, I stayed in the shade my entire teens and twenties and that has definitly paid off.
The thing about naming it the Cat Eye or Fox Eye is that cats and foxes have different shapes of eyes. Particularly with cats, some of them are wide eyed and others look permanently like they want to murder someone ?
Yep, they have as many eye shapes as people do, if not more!
True! I’ve met many felines in my life, and most do not have that shape (many times they are even downturned, which I think is adorable and wise-looking on both felines and humans alike). Perhaps a new name for the procedure is in order?
Lol omfg???!
Literally my cats eyes are two big yellow circles, it’s be scary to see a human looking like ???
That might make it sound more appealing lol
Hes a real one, this man is a plastic surgeon himself and yet still recommends people to take caution! Thanks for not being blinded by the money and caring for your patients 🙂
@Maya P he isn’t forcing people to make appointments
Don’t be so naive. He’s exploiting people’s insecurities for money. You think this man is actually a good man?
Honestly I’ve been getting the uncanny valley effect more and more when looking at people…like I’m looking at something that isn’t actually human, but has sort of “a face”. It’s creepy and I definitely wouldn’t call it attractive. Just super weird.
Reading that gave me intense full body chills
Yes, it’s disconcerting to look at people with too much plastic surgery. They don’t really look better because the effect is to unnatural and off putting.
I feel like fillers are the main culprit of this. Even just overdone lip filler does this I think
The key word here is “TREND”. When it’s something you’ve done to your body, that thing is forever. Do you remember the big nasty fake looking breasts of the 90’s and early 00’s? They were on every reality T.V. show, bigger was better, people wanted that shape… and then the trend changed and BBL were the new must have procedure. Sure you could remove those bad 00’s implants for something more natural, like whats available now… but you’ve scarred your breasts, your sensitivity is different. And now BBL are already not popular because of the major risks they pose….and now something else will change. Trends should only go with clothes, something you can put on and take off, not something that will scar you forever.
I agree. Trends And surgery shouldn’t be on the same phrase
Yup now Kim kardashian made her butt smaller
Less is more with plastic surgery, it’s always advisable to be on the conservative side. Kim Kardashian had a natural largish butt, why she went cartoonish is beyond me.
Um. I found out the “fox eyes” and “Russian lips “ trends well spread in Russia. But these types of procedures are mostly done by UNEDUCATED people, they are not licensed and don’t have any medical degree. Just some people saw how it is done (sometimes online) and think they can do it too. There are some documentaries about this huge issue. And such people (usually “students of Emelian Braude”) tried to use threads in a nose (that commonly lead to blindness or nose to rot) and eyes. I don’t think such trends are well researched.
Yana Kudryavcheva comes to mind. That girl looks nothing like herself .
Omg my name is Elvira too,just wanted to say that?
@No Face Instagram and real life are very different. And I was responding to a comment that said that such procedures are common in Russia and they are MOSTLY done by non-professionals.I don’t think it’s true. Firstly, these procedures are not so popular in real life. Secondly. and more importantly we have many professionals in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery. As for the instragrammers with an artificial appearance, I believe that they turn to professionals and get exactly the result they want. Sme people don’t want to look natural…
@Bratatouille russian lips is way better then a traditional duck lips
@No Face Sorry for my poor English. I meant that I wasn’t talking about Instagram. In real life, we are not obsessed with big lips. And for the first time I saw the expression “Russian lips” in the original post.
Buccal fat removal also ages horribly
@MillieTheLesbianLady it’s actually cute when someone has fluffy cheeks
@MillieTheLesbianLady sameer
@Justyne A very true! And once all these women (who had this procedure done) start aging they’ll start getting a revision surgery to fill their buccal fat back
baby c , in case you’re interested , there’s a very good video that shows you all the various and
had done to totally change and REARRANGE HER FACE until she looked like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON .
Please go to the
where she talks about all kinds of PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES .
Last time I looked she had done 2 videos on Bella Hadid and this was the most recent one from maybe within the past year .
You will be SHOCKED at some of those BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS
… I know I was … even though I already was apprised of all the work she had done on her face .
@MillieTheLesbianLady considering your age could be a hormonal (the body fully stabilizes only after at least 4 years from the first period so you were pretty much adapting before), could be retaining liquids, too much salt in your diet…
Braiding my hair is the quickest way to get this look at 1/1000 of the cost ??
or have your mom pull on your hair tightly for best results
A ponytail and precise makeup around the eyes does it for me in an instant lol!
@AJ Pristine
And it’ll make your hair thin out, if you do it regularly over a long period.
@XxFree- ForevloverxX it’s gonna eat your wedges after frequent use
OMG I can’t unsee that eye. Gonna have bad dreams now
Right, that ish was crazy
I thought it was some bussy lips at first and then I realized
Yes!! Was not expecting that. Please warn us first!!!
@Giovanni Corraliza what?
Dont say omg please
You can get this look with eyeliner. It washes off too.
No one can wear 24/7
no you cant lol
@christine walker Could get permanent makeup done (tattoo-like)
It’s all just too much. Madonna was so unrecognizable and she was such a beautiful woman. It’s just really sad that doctors are willing to do these procedures and so important for channels like this to exist.
@gardensofthegods yeah, of courss. Yours was chosen for a reason and mine to hide my identity. ? People getting touchy about Madonna’s face all over this comment section, but if you dare to disagree that means you’re Madonna or her stan ?
@Bambina Bambina , funny thing is … let’s say you really are a fan …b and not Madonna herself ?
If you were dying of starvation in the streets she would not do anything to help you …. believe it .
And her own children don’t even like her because of what a control freak she is .
That is one of the reasons Guy Ritchie divorced her and he spoke about it at length in an interview some years back I think it was Vanity Fair magazine .
She doesn’t care about you she doesn’t even care about her so-called loved ones unless she can totally control and dominate people .
Even Sean Penn some years ago said he begged her to help give some money to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti and she did not donate anything .
Keep sticking up for a self-centered entertainer who will do NOTHING FOR YOU if you end up in the streets .
Don’t bother to reply I won’t be responding .
There is a reason that name was chosen and it was certainly not to hide my identity but the fact that you get so touchy about Madonna says everything about you you either are her or you’re one of her rabid and obsessed fans who think she can never do anything wrong .
Your comments here to a number of people are obnoxious enough to prove those two points
@gardensofthegods says a person with a fake name ?
@Bambina Bambina , obviously a fake name , maybe your real name is Madonna ?