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African American Rhinoplasty Full Diary Los Angeles Patient Experience Facial Plastic Surgeon

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00:05 Introduction
2:36 Consultation
6:12 Post surgery Day 1
11:41 Post Surgery Day 2
16:18 Post Surgery Day 3
25:10 Post Surgery Day 5
31:29 Post Surgery Day 6
40:50 Revealing
50:00 Post Surgery Day 11
1:03:01 Post Surgery Day 14
1:08:53 Post Surgery Mini-Update
1:10:36 Post Surgery Outside
1:11:44 Post Surgery
1:14:51 Post Surgery 3rd Month

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Author: admin



  1. Elise Mueller

    I absolutely adore and implore you identifying “African American” as a seperate entity from the otherwise world of black peoples- thank you!!!!smooches That being said, I’m happy for you, and you are brave, and I’m proud of you!!!

  2. Stargazer Lily

    I can totally understand why you feel self conscious, but honestly your new nose looks great. I’m Hispanic and I have a broad nose. In normal everyday life, I like my nose. But in pictures, especially when I smile, it looks like my nose takes over my face ? I’m happy with all my other features and I should be grateful, but I feel that if I get my nose job, I would just feel so much more confident. I’m on a health and fitness journey to lose 60 pounds and once that’s done, my reward will be a nose job. I do like the uniqueness of my nose, but I think it needs to be tweaked just a little bit so it can compliment my face, not be the main focus of it. Once the swelling goes down, I hope you embrace your cute new nose ? Stay blessed!

  3. Tiara Brown

    this helped me so much!! My before nose is very close to yours, i even showed my surgeon your before and after photo! it was so hard to find a similar comparison. I am Postop Day 3, and i cant breathe for shyt! BUT THANK YOU FOR THIS VLOG!! SO HELPFUL ?

  4. Ms Ace

    I want a nose job. I hate it when somebody tells me “ohh you don’t need a nose job”. I have never told anybody not. to want something personal for themselves.I have always respected their wants and understood their enthusiasm.

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