Arm Lift Surgery by Dr. Katzen Beverly Hills | Los Angeles
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Arm lift or brachioplasty surgery performed by Dr. Katzen in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles area. Before and after plastic surgery arm lift photos and actual footage of arm reduction surgery being performed on weight loss patient.
For more information on all procedures and treatments by Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Timothy Katzen MD please visit:
Your work looks like art! I wish I lived closer so I could get my arms done by you.
What’s the recovery time to get back to work
A big part of the cost depends on how long surgery takes. Since some patients have more to remove than others, some surgeries take longer than others. Would you like to schedule a free consultation so I can take a look at your arms and give you a quote? Your first consultation is free. If you’re not in the Beverly Hills or Vegas area, we can do a Skype of phone consultation. Give my office a call! (310)859-7770
What’s the cost?
Hello! Thanks for reaching out. It depends on what type of job you have. Most patients return to work 10 days after.
ahhh so graphic. looks scary!
“A arm lift”