Best Rhinoplasty Nosejob Surgeon Beverly Hills Los Angeles – Closed, Minimally Invasive, Revision
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This is a brief demonstration of only a few of the natural and minimally invasive rhinoplasties (Nose Jobs) performed by Dr. Ben Talei. The results are consistent across the board. You can see that no matter what nose type, what ethnicity, and how simple or difficult the case, the outcome is always natural and in harmony with the patient's face. The results are so natural that the patients' family members can't tell that something was done. The before and after photos tell a different story
Awesome, I want him
this is amazing-! I wouldn’t care less if someone noticed that i did something to my face, cuz it’s mine. How much does it costs?
Gorgeous work…so natural and so clean and not obvious..master eye when it comes to PS!!! BRAVO!!!
This Doctor is a great plastic surgeon. Wow I am so impressed with his work.
amazing job,how much cost the surgrey ?
nice results!!!
Honestly some of them are okay… but in general I feel like rhinoplasty in the US sucks! Most the time you can hardly see a difference and these people are paying $10,000-15,000 for something that isn’t even worth that money. Robbery
That’s what I think too. Right now I am looking into rhinoplasty in Turkey and I gotta say..I am very impressed by the Turkish surgeons work. They do an amazing job and you can actually see the difference. And the cost is half of what you would pay in US.
Amazing job really ! How much does a nose job cost please ?
It might cost your life.
+Mellow Mike ??
I need it
how much is it??
how much please