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Crescent Inner Medial Thigh | Plastic Surgeon Dr. Katzen Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | Las Vegas

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For more information on all procedures and treatments by Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Timothy Katzen MD please visit:

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Author: admin



    1. Timothy Katzen

      Hello! Thanks for reaching out again! 🙂 There is no set price. The price depends on the length of surgery. Since everyone has different bodies, some surgeries can take longer than others. Please call my office to schedule a free consultation so I can give you a price custom to your body. (310)859-7770.

    1. Timothy Katzen

      Recovery usually takes 3-4 weeks. Scars are located on the inner portion of the thigh where the incision was made. Scars usually completely fade, depending on how the patient scars.

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