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Ear Pinning Surgery After Three Months | Otoplasty Procedure with Dr. Kian

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Rejuva Medical Aesthetics offers the most advanced techniques in plastic surgery and non-invasive cosmetic treatments to the people living in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Brentwood, along with the surrounding communities in California. Our objective is to meet and exceed all expectations so that when you walk through our doors, you know your experience will be second to none.

Dr. Kian Karimi is double-board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology. Together with his team, they combine exceptional skills, extensive experience and the latest technology to deliver the most natural and beautiful results possible for their patients.
The staff at Rejuva Medical Aesthetics works with the physicians in performing the most advanced minimally and non-invasive cosmetic techniques as well as plastic surgery to help patients look and feel younger. Starting with the consultation, they work closely with patients to develop and implement a customized care plan to achieve a desired look. Their goal is to provide the best services possible in a calm and relaxed environment.
For more information on Dr. Kian Karimi and Rejuva Medical Aesthetics, please check out the following links:

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Author: admin



  1. Kylie Storm

    I struggle with this issue (even more so than this beautiful lady) and this made me cry. I am so incredibly happy for this woman I can not even begin to express how happy. I have struggled with self image issues my entire life and one day hope to fulfill my dream of having this procedure done. She looks incredible ?

    1. becca c

      yeah I paid 9g for mine…but actually 14g because I financed it through a company and pay it off monthly now. Didn’t realize I’d be charged that much till I read and signed the papers but Ive needed this since I was 9, it changed my life

  2. becca c

    how do you feel?? Or how did it feel after? I just had my ears pinned like 5 days ago and im not sure how to feel. I want to feel happy I’ve needed this since I was 9 years old, anyway I saw my ears today for the first time and they don’t stick out anymore… But I feel like I did something wrong, idk why it’s really confusing and scary looking at myself and I hope this feeling is normal because I need to adjust to the change but it feels fucked up honestly, I don’t regret it and maybe I’m over thinking it but I also feel like my hearing almost changed, like i hear slightly different, probably because the shape was changed but it’s an odd feeling and I don’t like it. It feels super tight as well and I’m just wondering if you felt anything similar?

    1. Sally Felix

      Hi, I am thinking about getting the sticth method but can’t find much info how it ends up long term. Have yours stayed pinned back or have they protruded over the years? Also did the stiches ever come to surface of skin and cause any problems? Can you feel the stiches at all? It seems to good to be true the stitch method so I’d really appreciate hearing from someone thats done it awhile ago!

    1. Tasha Smith-Bonnar

      Depends on the anaesthetics, My original price was suppose to be around $14k but since my surgeon decided to put me on local anaesthetics instead of general it was reduced to $6k which is one hell of a deal

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