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Facial Plastic Surgeon Explains How to Take 10 Years off your Eyes With Surgery (blepharoplasty)

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Your eyes are the first thing others see when they look at your face. An immediate impression is formed about your age, level of energy, and how tired you are. The eyes are also the first part of the face to show the signs of aging. In this video, Dr. Karam discusses eye rejuvenation and his process of restoring the eyes back to their youthful and refreshing state through a blepharoplasty procedure. His goal is to make his patients look as natural as possible, restoring the eyes back to their youthful appearance, rather than creating a new look that did not exist before.

○ This is a procedure that is performed to remove the extra skin that sags and drapes over the upper eyelid. It creates a lighter, more contoured upper lid. While men and women enjoy looking years younger and both benefit from this procedure equally, the techniques are different for each gender.

○ This blepharoplasty procedure is performed on patients with fat pockets (bags) under the eyes. In patients with bulging fat, but not very much sagging skin, the blepharoplasty procedure is performed without any external incision.

Watch More From Dr. Karam:
○How to Take 10 Years off your Eyes With Surgery (Blepharoplasty)-
○ Facial Fat Transfer Before & After –
○ Full Facial Rejuvenation Before and After –
○ Explaining Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty –

For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego practice, or his natural-looking results check out:

○ @dramirkaram

○ www.drkaram.com

○ info@drkaram.com


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  1. Angela Petta

    Hello Dr. Karam, great videos & thank you for all of the information & education. Is there anything you can do non-surgically for under eye bags & the crease? I hope to have an appointment in the future with you to correct this. Thank you ?

  2. Alberta Sequeira

    I had mine done in April. My eyes look great. I’m not young at 76 years old. The procedure made both my eyes even (I looked like one eye was larger). PROBLEM with this procedure. I have dry eyes to begin with but you will need tons of moisturizer drops for the eye because they will become dry.
    It’s been 2 months and my eyes are still blurry. I do not have the same strength in making things out. I have cataracts in both eyes and my vision is not the same. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THIS RESULT WITH GETTING THIS PROCEDURE!!!! You might be worse off.
    I’m hoping I don’t need glasses. Maybe they are still be swollen, but doubt it after this length of time.
    We are all different.
    Now I’m scared to look into having the bags under my eyes removed because of this result. I’m not sorry I had this done, but frustrated with the blurry eyes constantly. I don’t see distance as I used to and writing on the TV screen or computer look doubled.
    The physical appearance of people is amazing, no pain with the procedure, but be aware you may have problems after this.

  3. Nadeem balouch

    sir excellent work done by you and thanks for sharing your great efforts with us I belong to Pakistan to my best of knowledge I don’t think so there is not such type of highly experienced and Well-Qualified like you sir kindly would intend to show your practice in Pakistan so they get benefit from you sir

  4. M Sharve

    I have a sagging lower eyelid after a recent lower blepheroplasrt. Is this fixable? I was told to squit my lower lid to help get back to normal. It’s very drying my eyes. Would you be to fix that? And how? Thanks you!

  5. Meno Yuno

    Why is it that the after photos have more overall lighting won’t that just create less show effect? Does seem like the surgeon does good work I just think it’s best to keep the lighting the same in before and after photos.

    1. Amir Karam

      Hi Guisela,
      Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any questions at 858-259-3223. We look forward to meeting you soon!

      Dr. Karam and the Staff of Carmel Valley Facial Plastic Surgery

    1. DrAmirKaram

      Hi Maureen,
      Thank you for your interest in our practice! Because Dr. Karam is so highly specialized, these procedures can be done under local and IV sedation so there is no need to go under general anesthesia. Pricing as well as the length of time the procedures will take will vary depending on individual recommendations. We would love the opportunity to speak with you further regarding your specific concerns to determine possible recommendations and a more accurate price range. Please call the office at 858-259-3223, we look forward to speaking with you!

      Carmel Valley Facial Plastic Surgery Team

    1. DrAmirKaram

      We do not work on Ptosis, it is a specific condition of the eye that should be seen and treated by an Oculoplastic surgeon. We are sorry we could not be of further assistance and wish you the best of luck.

      Dr. Karam and the Staff of Carmel Valley Facial Plastic Surgery

  6. june2420111

    Don’t get this surgery. It leaves a dark hollow area underneath and over time without the fat there, wrinkles develop (not cool when you’re in you’re twenties). Can’t fix it even with Botox. I very much regret my lower blepharoplasty six years ago

    1. DrAmirKaram

      Hi Vonda,
      We are so glad you enjoyed the video. Please never hesitate to contact us with any questions at 858-259-3223, we are always available to assist you.

      Dr. Karam and the Staff of Carmel Valley Facial Plastic Surgery

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