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Facial Plastic Surgery Before and After :15 Years Younger (Facelift, facial fat transfer, eyelid)

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Turn back the clock 15 to 20 years! Facial Plastic Surgery Before and After in San Diego: Facelift, This patient received a Full Face Fat Transfer, Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty, and Chemical Peel. She wanted to look healthy, youthful, and look as good as she feels on the inside.

Note how natural and rejuvenated she appears following her San Diego facial plastic surgery. There is no evidence of scars at all!

Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Amir Karam, who is board certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and American Board of Otolaryngology, offers cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures in San Diego county like nose surgery, facelift surgery and fat transfers including the cities of San Diego, Del Mar, Carlsbad, Carmel Valley, Encinitas, Rancho Bernardo and La Jolla in Southern California.


Facelift Surgery

Eyelid Surgery


Watch More From Dr. Karam:
○ Facelift on Woman in early 50s Before and After –
○ Facial Fat Transfer Before & After –
○ Full Facial Rejuvenation Before and After –
○ The Male Facelift –

For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego practice, or his natural-looking results check out:

○ @dramirkaram

○ www.drkaram.com

○ info@drkaram.com

○ 1(858)-259-3223

Click Here to Contact Us

Author: admin



  1. Frances Walker

    She looks youthful without overdoing it. She may still have her cheek folds; leaving them there makes her look age appropriate not look like she’s trying too hard to look 20 yrs old. She looks great. 

    1. Sal Agnello

      I noticed that too and under her chin still could use refinement. Although, I disagree I’d like to see them less pronounced and she can probably benefit from skin tightening collagen laser treatments. Overall very good result, just would like to have seen a little more considering she likely spent a lot of money.

  2. Pamela Lieb

    Congratulations, She looks fabulous, let’s be honest when we look this good we will wear makeup & make an extra effort with our hair and overall appearance. Let’s rock it while we can! Concentrate on the POSITIVES!

  3. Stickapot

    why cant any of these doctors manage to take before and after pictures where the patient has the; same/no makeup, same hairstyle, same facial expressions, same lighting, same angles.  COME ON

    1. jan joy

      Drs KNOW this…. cmon… they are plastic surgeons! They know the best testimony of wether the procedure worked or not is natural before and after pics without makeup. The truth is, they dont show it because it’s not all that effective. They might shave off about 5 years, but retinol can do that… if I’m spending THOUSANDS, I better look amazing! Like 10, 15 years younger….

  4. Anita Prout

    It is so awesome to see what actually happens in facelift surgery. I think she had a great result – and her features came out “natural” not mask-like. Great surgeon – great job. There is a program where professional advocates will negotiate your medical bills down if you cannot afford to pay them. People who have used these services have seen an average reduction of more than 80% in their medical bills and some bills are even brought down to ZERO! Go to the YouTube Video:  A Little Known Way to Drastically Lower Hospital Bills or call (800) 417-4372 for more info. It’s for real! They really work for the patient.

  5. Kate

    Wow! Dr. Karam you are an artist! I think I’ll be coming to you to get my eyes fixed in a couple of years. I’m starting to look a bit sleepy and I think you’d be able to get me looking awake again! Please keep sharing these videos. Many thanks.

    1. DrAmirKaram

      Hi Kate,
      Thank you! We are so glad you are enjoying our videos. Please never hesitate to contact us with any questions at 858-259-3223. We look forward to meeting you!

      Dr. Karam and the Staff of Carmel Valley Facial Plastic Surgery

  6. Justice

    Girl power! I am concerned about the lines between the eyes which gives me a mean look. There is still a double chin like mine which makes me feel sloppy or glutinous. I would like a regal look back to or better than what I had. We only live once and might as well go all the way. This lovely woman looks incredible. It appears to me that it takes her back 25 years.

  7. Jennifer Hackeman

    I will TOTALLY DO THIS AT 50… I look forward to this surgery… I’m 44 and I am seeing things already that bother. Me…I think if u can do it… Mentally, physically…. Then do it. Life is short. ? She’s gorgeous!!

    1. Debbie Lockhart

      @Stephany Salas People who liove themselves get facelifts. What an odd comment. Not all of us want to look old and haggard- doesn’t mean we don’t love ourselves. I personally love my youthful looks, so part of loving myself will be making surgical tweaks to maintain them as long as possible.

  8. chris mac

    how old is this lady? difficult to gauge her aesthetic to begin with without knowing how old she is to start with, before surgery she looks mid 60s and after she looks around 50, so a great improvement, she looks good.

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