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Fat Transfer to Breasts | Plastic Surgeon Dr. Katzen Beverly Hills | Los Angeles | Las Vegas

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    1. Christine Koh

      Same here. I’ve gained 10kg during the lockdown in my country and I’m keeping them for this procedure. Now I’m concern if this is suitable for mommy with saggy breasts or just female with firm breast and wanted to increase the cup size.

    1. Timothy Katzen

      Miao Miao The patient is under general anesthesia and doesn’t feel a thing. After the surgery, patient will have pain for a couple of days. The pain is easily controlled with narcotics which I prescribe. Thanks very much for watching.

  1. E T

    It’s great that you’re still answering questions and responding to comments even though you posted this video a while back. This was very informative! And 80% fat graft retention? That’s really impressive! Kudos to you.

    1. Timothy Katzen

      Hello, thank you for your inquiry. I have been performing this type of surgery for the past 20 years. During this time, I have found it inaccurate and unethical to give prices without a consultation. Therefore, please call 310-859-7770 (Monday through Friday 9 to 5 Pacific Coast time). If you are calling from outside the USA, please include country code 01 at the beginning of your phone call. Alternatively, please email scheduling@TimothyKatzenMD.com to schedule a FREE virtual reality consultation. Platforms include Skype, FaceTime, and WhatsApp. I look forward to virtually meeting you. Sincerely, Dr.Katzen.

  2. saint

    I’ve always been very insecure about how small my boobs were. I used to get criticised how much fats were placed in “all the wrong places”. I feel like this surgery is perfect since i don’t want to get any implants in me ?

    1. Timothy Katzen

      @Veronica Renee vv Hello, and yes I do have many patients from out of town. I usually do a phone or video (skype) consultation and offer a complimentary first-time consultation to cater to the distance. Are you interested in a consultation?

  3. MsShannaK

    Great video!! Thanks for sharing. This is way less scary to me than implants for some reason. This seems like it would be very natural and the breast would be very soft and squishy. I love the look of a beautifully done set of implants but my whole body is squishy….. my boobs need to also be squishy. Personal opinion of course. I’ve seen and felt some very nicely done squishy implants so I know it can be done! I just love this procedure….. two birds with one stone kinda thing.

  4. Zoe Ankrum

    My mom just got breast implants done and I always wanted to have a boob job too. Mostly because of how asymmetrical my boobs are. They are literally 2 different sizes. My left is an A and my right is a B. It doesn’t sound like a big difference but it makes it so much harder to find bras and makes me feel very self-conscious An A cup is to tight for my right side and a size B is too big for my left side. I’m already a bit overweight so this kinda procedure would be perfect for me. It will look and feel more natural since it is your own fat. It looks like it will be painful after I wake up but it will be worth it. I can’t wait till I can get this done.

    1. jacintalovesart

      Implants cost more and only predicted to last about 10 years. Then you have to pay to get them revised, which costs waaaay more and the scars get worse. This method has like no long scars, and is permanent. All fat that lasts will stay forever.

    2. Chrissy3083

      Hello Hello Alex I got implants and it was sooooo painful now I’m getting them removed and getting a lift with a fat transfer. My surgeon said there really is no recovery time for the breast only for the area where liposuction occurred will be painful

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