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Today Dr. Emer's staff is in West Hollywood six days after this young female's Hi-Def Body Sculpting. Just six days post-operation, the patient already has significant contouring. He removed a little fat in the inner thighs and gave her a little shaping from what she previously had. Her stomach, back, and body are immediately beginning to heal after his combination treatment with VASER ultrasound device, power-assisted liposuction, Renuvion radiofrequency, fat filtering with PureGraft filtration, and Fat grafting.

Dr. Emer's staff is in West Hollywood five days after this young female's Hi-Def Body Sculpting. Lymphatic Drainage Massage prevents scar tissue, seroma, and hematoma, which is fluid and blood build-up, which can create some complications. It helps the body get rid of the toxins, fluids, waste, unwanted materials while boosting the immune system, so the body heals faster. This type of massage is needed when a person has had procedures such as HD Liposuction and treat areas such as the abdomen, legs, back, neck, and arms.

Today is this patient's fifth lymphatic massage, and this time around, Dr. Emer's staff is going to concentrate and pay lots of attention to the patient's back. Draining the back is a step that must be treated carefully, and the masseuse doesn't address this area any different from the front. The staff continues to work on the back and push the fluids out and drain—the number of lymphatic massages; this patient received will help her heal ten times faster.

Dr. Emer's staff suggest receiving this procedure after HD Liposuction to assist the body get rid of the toxins, waste, unwanted materials, such as the blood fluid, melted fat, and other toxins cause because of the trauma a from the procedure. You can see the staff push out small pieces of melted fat as he begins to put pressure down the lymph nodes. The lymphatic massage is excellent at helping boosts your immune system post-operation.

The pain level post-op and during the procedure is minimal since most patients are on pain meds soon after the procedure. It's going to take about six months to a year to look as perfect as possible, but within six weeks, she's going to be beach ready, and within a month, she can be back at the gym.

Dr. Jason Emer suggests very intensive post-op care to all of his patients to increase results and speed up the healing process. The post-op protocol includes hyperbaric oxygen therapy, IV therapy/hydration, radiofrequency. Lymphatic massage paired up with the above will assist with healing and pain levels of the procedure. The patient will leave with garments to compress the procedure area as well as scar creams (which you can find at www.emeragecosmetics.com) to reduce scarring from the procedure. Overall, these procedures will have a quicker healing time and reduce swelling.


Dr. Jason Emer is a board-certified dermatologist, specializing in cosmetic, laser and procedural dermatology, including facial sculpting with fillers and hi definition body contouring transformations in West Hollywood, California. Dr. Emer is behind some of Hollywood's most defined bodies, impeccable skin, and chiseled facial features. He is an aesthetic visionary who dares to be different.

To schedule a consultation or appointment, email appointments@jasonemermd.com or call (310) 439-5190.


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    1. jan joy

      @mrbelieve123 hmmm… not sure how I would say it’s worth it….

      Simply because I spent so much money, time, and went through so much pain only to get, “meeehhh results”… I didnt have much to take off , but surgeon still managed to mess it up slightly with one hip slightly higher than the other….

      Also , it depends on what or why youre doing this. If it’s to be more “appealing” or to be more “beautiful ” for the opposite sex, for attention, etc… NOPE not worth it!!! Thebright person will love you even with some rolly pollies???

      If you are just little overweight, (around 25lbs)… I dont recommend. Only because all that money and time recovering could be spent with a good trainer and healthier foods and perhaps other more non invasive methods. By the time you heal and recover, which is 6 months to see full results, you could have already lost the weight going to gym with a trainer.

      Also, you wont be able to be intimate with your husband if your married for a good while… if you have young kids, that need attention…etc…

      If you’re single, you’ll need someone to constantly be there to care for you cause you cant move much…. you wont be able to drive much either…. plan on being out of commission for about 2 months. Or maybe 1 month IF YOU HEAL well. Also, remember age, is also factor and where you are in life, and work availability…… it all depends on weather its worth it for you….

    2. jan joy

      @mrbelieve123 I would gladly share anything you want to know.
      I had my surgery in January. I had elite body sculpt the type you’re awake and local anesthesia only. While the process itself does not hurt, only mild discomfort, the aftermath, is excruciating! Specially the massages afterwards!!!
      Dont let ANYONE tell you different! Any dr that says recovery doesnt hurt is a LIAR!
      I had abs, hips and butt done. Massages are extremely important in the healing process. Note, each massage is about 100 each, and you’ll need to have the first one scheduled pretty close after surgery to make sure the fluid drains out. For me its was as if I was having surgery without anesthesia. They massage HARD to get the fluid out, so imagine swollen skin from surgery being squeezed! . I wailed!

      First 2 weeks of recovery is hardest and will still feel pretty crummy up until about 1 month maybe 2. Afterwards you should be fine.

      Also you’ll need to wear a compression garment for about 6 months. Yes. You will need to purchase 2, as one washes you’ll have one on…etc…

      Overall very pricy:

      1. $ for garments
      2. $ for items to support healing… ie. Arnica for healing scars, foam boards for inside garment, bbl pillow if you’re doing bbl.
      3. $ massages, lymphatic massage, and cavitation, wood therapy, etc… to soften the pockets of fat… again… Painful. Total 2 a week for 3 months, and perhaps more…
      4. *** please remember depending how much fat you need taken out, you might need a revision.

      Best of luck to you!

    1. Jason Emer, MD

      Come see us, we would love to have you! DM your name, email and phone for a consult. Or email appointments@jasonemermd.com. Also support our new skincare line @emerageskin on IG at emeragecosmetics.com. We love AERIFY peeling kit monthly and the AERIFYxANTEAGEMD micro needling system weekly. Each treatment is customized and we cannot know prices till we consult you.

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