How To Massage Your Breast Implants | Plastic Surgery | Los Angeles
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With so many out of town patients who need to perform certain aftercare protocols, it is good to stay informed when you are not near your doctor.
This video shows what you need to do to ensure your breast implants drop into a natural look, and evidently creating a natural looking cleavage.
Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon – Dr. Daniel Barrett
Dr. Barrett is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. He specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, nose and body. His passion is providing natural results with minimal downtime, utilizing holistic approaches. He has developed detailed scar management protocols and closure techniques to reduce the appearance of scars for his patients.
He has been practicing since 2008 and opened his Beverly Hills office in 2014. During that time he has made numerous appearances on the television show The Doctors, providing charitable work for massive weight loss patients. He also appears on Entertainment Television as an expert on the latest plastic surgery trends and techniques. He is actively involved in research to reduce implant-related capsular contracture. He has recently presented internationally his findings on breast implant malposition and correction.
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#MassageBreastImplants #DrDanielBarrett #Plasticsurgeon
Can you do a video on how to massage your breast implants when they are placed under the muscle, so they can drop fast? Pleaseeeeee….
This is glorious, I’ve been looking for “male breast enlargement techniques” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my m8 got excellent success with it.
This was great, thanks, I have been researching “breast massage for breast growth” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Ever heard of – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some incredible things about it and my colleague got cool results with it.
I will do this later. I had my boob job today and this is a bit painful. Thanks for the tip
you are welcome. Check with your plastic surgeon regarding postoperative protocol
This is actually very helpful!
Cheers for this, I have been researching “breast growth naturally” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my cousin got excellent success with it.
Is this the only kind of massage you should do? I’m a week into mine and I started doing this exact massage. But I’m not sure if it’s too early to start massaging because when I do my breast tend to tighten up afterwards
every plastic surgeon has his own postoperative protocol which he recommends to his patients. I would suggest you to discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
my man’s right here living the dream
This is just superb, been searching for “breast massage growth results” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my neighbour got cool success with it.
Hello. When should I start massages after revision surgery? One of them was encapsulated
every plastic surgeon has his own postoperative protocol which he recommends to his patients. I would suggest you to discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
Thank u sir
Does this work on smooth implants as well ?
yes, it does.
doctor i have done my procedure fwot month ago and when i start massaging my implants my right side moves normal just like in the video but thw the left side doesn’t move and spacially up .. i feel the pocket not the same one and there’s one higher than the other .. im so confused about what happens in my procedure
I have question my incision was in the breast fold. They said feeling rippling is normal but on my left side feeling like I can literally grab the implant. What should I do
I understand your concern. However, without a proper assessment it would be difficult to determine what is wrong. It is best that you visit your plastic surgeon for further assessment. Only after thorough examination you can get proper recommendations and advice.
Aww, I want implants!!
This was great, thanks, I been tryin to find out about “breast enlargement foods home remedies” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some super things about it and my friend got great results with it.
This was great, thanks, I have been researching “massaging breast” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (Have a quick look on google cant remember the place now ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my mate got amazing success with it.
Many thanks, been searching for “natural breast growth” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my work buddy got cool success with it.
Hiii…how much does it cost breast implant?
if you are considering a surgery, feel free to contact us
My girlfriend is considering getting a breast augmentation and we have both been searching to see what kind of results she will get with the different types of implants. Pictures are fine but videos like this really show the look and feel better. We want to see soft, natural movement and this looked great. If possible, what type of implant was used? I know it was silicone gel but how cohesive was the imllant used here? Thanks
@Barrett Plastic Surgery We already had one consultation but are looking to possibly do another. I just wamted to know how cohesive these implamts are. The surgeon we met with uses natrelle implamts amd showed us the three different levels of softness. Please what profile and type of implamt was used here, they seem very soft.
Breast implant type and sizing selection is a complicated process and requires a detailed consultation that includes a discussion of your goals, a detailed examination, and a lengthy discussion. But the decision will always start and end with the patient.
When it comes to sizing, we have all of our patients find 3 photos of their desired breast size. We ask for naked breast photos because clothing can obscure the true size (push up bras). Next, we consult with patients and go over the photos and take detailed breast measurements during a physical exam. Next, we using a sizing algorithm to determine a range of implants that will work based on the exam and the measurements.
Lastly, during the operation, we use silicone sizers in the operating room to see how the size actually looks in the breast. We sit the patient up in the operating room, while asleep of course, and compare the sizer result with their desired look photos. If it is too small, we start the process over with a slightly larger implant. We don’t stop until we get the perfect match.
Of all of my breast augmentation patients, every one of them has been happy with their size due to this detailed and meticulous process. You don’t want to invest time and money into a result that is either too big or too small.
You should discuss your concerns with a board-certified plastic surgeon and make sure that your surgeon understands your goals.
Hi how long do you message for? 5 minutes? 10? Do you go by reps?
every plastic surgeon has his own postoperative protocol which he recommends to his patients. I would suggest you to discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
Hi dr. Barrett is it Normal if the breast is still uneven after 1 month & one side is little harder? Thank you. ?
I understand your concern and it is quite normal to be concerned about the outcome following a breast lift surgery. However, you are still in the very early stages of the healing process at 1 month post op.
Your will need to be patient at this moment and follow what your surgeon has instructed you to do post operatively.
At the early stage of the healing process, the tissues are still swollen. Once the swelling subsides, you will be able to see the final result of your surgery.
Does this work for ultra high profile implants? I was told by my Dr to massage them but they are still tight and no movement happens. Unless I’m just scared to move them ?
you should discuss your post-operative protocol with your plastic surgeon.
I got ideal implant because everyone and most surgeon said it s best but I’m still worry it s not durable like silicon. What s your opinion on ideal implant
Its pretty new so I don’t have an opinion yet. I spoken to the rep and gotten a sample to evaluate but I’d like to see how it does in the market first before I come to any conclusions.
Dr. Barrett Plastic Surgery thanks for the response. I see lot of women doing ideal implant on RealSelf site. I m a week postop ideal implant, This s my first breast augmentation and I guess I just need to stop worry and see what it bring :).
Hi Dr. Barret I’m 19 years old I want to get breast implant surgery. I know silicone is not suggested for my age. But you suggest silicone in one of your video.what should I do now??And I am very worry about my Heath.I heard that implantion can make sick.. If it ruptured. so what is your suggestions for me about my implant surgery.???
I dont understand. I thought we’re trying to encourage them to drop.?? Shouldn’t we be massaging the OTHER direction???? Help! I got mine 2 days ago and there was a language barrier with my post op nurse. WHEN do I start massaging ? (*please answer)
Dear Heather Mozo, every plastic surgeon has his own postoperative protocol, which he recommends to his patients. Some plastic surgeons don’t recommend massages to their patients. I would suggest you to discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
Would I massage the same way if they are textured implants?
This was great, I have been researching “fenugreek for enlarging breast” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my buddy got cool results with it.
Many thanks, been searching for “chi massage breast enlargement” for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Zansaiah Breast Astronomical – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got excellent results with it.
I don’t recommend massage for a textured implant.