Is 40 Too Young For a Facelift? Facial Plastic Surgeon Weighs in and Discusses Common Facial Aging
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Are facelifts appropriate for people in their 40s or younger? Let’s talk about how the face ages, the pros and cons of non-surgical treatments, and what changes require surgical correction. Finally, we will be talking about Dr. Karam’s unique approach to his preventative facelifts!
As we hit our 40s, we will start to see signs of aging of the skin, loss of facial fat, and skin laxity. With facial laxity, the only thing you can do is position the soft tissues back to where they were. When you wait until it fully ages (50s +) you will have to look at restoration. It is so important to address the signs of aging early on, and you approach things in a proactive, preventative way. Patients who are younger, in their late 30s to late 40s, where signs of laxities are beginning to show, are perfect candidates to undergo the Vertical Prevent procedure.
○ A Facelift in your 40s? Delay Facial Aging with a Preventative Face Lift! –
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For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego practice, or his natural-looking results check out:
○ @dramirkaram
Please open a practice on Oahu, Hawaii.
I’ve always felt surgery was better than constant thread lifts or filler, I wish I could find a doctor here that does exactly what you showed in this video! Beautiful and natural results.
I absolutely love his work. How I wish cosmetic surgery could be affordable for everyone.
Thank you for the great video Dr. Karam. I am 38 years old and have always had great skin where people would commonly assume me for being a decade younger then I was. Unfortunately, I went from being younger looking then my age to older looking then my age after hyaluronidase. A year and a half ago, I decided to get a minimal amount of filler in my cheek. I didn’t like the look of the fillers, and it was recommended to me to get the filler dissolved with hyaluronidase. Following the hyaluronidase injection, my skin rapidly deteriorated. I was left with visible indentations in my upper cheeks from where the hyaluronidase dissolved my natural tissue along with the filler. As if that wasn’t enough of a bad experience, my skin started getting worse and worse over a period of about a year and I developed volume loss throughout my whole face and my skin started getting very lax around my jawline and I developed jowls that I never had before (The skin laxity is so pronounced that I can pull my skin up by about two inches, where my skin was never like this before. I am now looking into ways to get this corrected and have been told my two surgeons that the only way to restore my skin and jawline was to get a facelift and fat grafting or a facelift and fillers to restore the areas that were left sunken after the hyaluronidase. I never through that I would be getting a facelift, let alone at the age of 38, but this is where hyaluronidase has gotten me.
I would recommend trying a dermapen it improved my skin texture so much, and also try natural lavender face cream or ad a drop or two of lavender essential oil on your face it dose wonders for the skin and is the only essential oil permitted to use in the skin directly. You can use shea butter with it
Sorry to hear that, i used to look younger too,but everything changed after horrible traumatismes
Hello Dr Karam, thank you so much for this accurate information, very close to my face journey. I had cheek fillers, a number of times, and was convinced by social media and clinic nurses that the fillers will lift my cheeks. Yes it did for a short time, but as my skin looses laxity, it can no longer maintain this lift look. I am now seriously considering a facelift surgery and I was curious re the fillers on my cheeks. If you were doing my facelift surgery, what direction would you take if you see fillers in my cheeks when doing the surgery? Appreciate your advise. Thanks so much
I’m in my late 30s and I appreciate the depth of information in this video, I just wish that I had the resources to afford this procedure.
@Joyce Lovell how much is it?
I bartend part time and have been saving for this procedure. If you want it bad enough you will find a way.
Any in office non surgical treatments that you would suggest to at least slow down aging? I’d like to avoid filler, is there anything that could be used for volume that you think is effective preventatively?
Also what are the risks? More patients need to ask this pre-surgery eg how many surgeries has the doctor done where there was loss of feeling in the face and nerve damage?
How do you know if it lasts for 15+ years if this is a technique that you just developed? ? Greetings from Miami Beach.
You are right, there are special techniques,(quicklift, ponytaill facelift)that heals almost immediately, result is instant and excelent, but It doesn’t last so long. And you cannot go through this again and again.So be very careful.And also…It is not really you anymore…It always change a shape of the face…this V shape…ok, but not everybody, even young people have this V shape. So show me any patient “10years later” to proove real result.
Normal facelifts last that long, so theoretically this will last longer since the patient didn’t look very old to begin with.
excellent question
In my 30’s I asked my dermatologist for an anti- aging game plan. She was a beautiful classy woman guessing around late 60’s. She gave me sound advise to cut out processed foods, sugar, commercial cow’s milk, to keep stress down, and to enjoy life. Also, good skin care including sun screen and retinols. She said she would have forgone the procedures she had and valued the time more. She also told me that you’re going to get older and age don’t worry about it. That always stuck with me. It’s tough watching the aging process on ourselves especially when you feel younger than your age. I am now late 50’s and certainly have aged but have found a beauty in that too. I did follow her advise and overall appreciative. It paid off. I am for whatever makes a person feel confident and happy. I have considered and consulted for some facial rejuvenation surgery and have decided, at least at this time, it’s not for me. I like full facial expressions and a few wrinkles at this stage. This doctor does amazing work for sure and I am amazed at how fast the healing process is.
You are lucky to have such a great dermatologist, very sound advice
How does lateral surgical procedure differ from the traditional methods of face lifts? How do you distinguist between the two in finding out when you visit a plastic surgeon?
Doc, do you have pics of 5 years out after this facelift? Everything looks good right after but I wonder how the person changes over time. My friend did lipo for example and she looked great right after then totally botched. Thank you!
@Elizabeth Thank you for the info ??!!
@Rosse Sanz Dr Corey in Scottsdale AZ (a year ago) and also Dr Hall at Infini (a week ago) in Scottsdale. Dr Corey did a mommy makeover on my friend and I had a mini-tummy tuck with lipo -both turned out great. I had a little more lipo (Dr Hall) for another small area, since he does “smart lipo” which didn’t require general anesthesia. Dr Hall specializes in lipo and BBLs.
@Elizabeth Hello, are you able to tell us which doc you had your lipo with ?
@go sia that’s terrible- it’s awful to spend so much money then be unhappy with it. There’s always trying a revision but then again it’s even more $$
@Elizabeth it was stomach and back, one of the famous Instagram doctors in NY. That’s why so expensive. She got jplasma too and he was finished in 1.5 hrs. So you can imagine how fast he was doing it. Jplasma requires multiple passes to tghiten the skin. She never even have kids so the skin is not stretched and now it looks stretched with pockets of fat left behind. Really bad.
What’s the downtime on a procedure like this? If I traveled to SD for this from you, would I need to stay there for a period of time for monitoring/recovery?
I love the way you explain everything!!
I like this doctor seems to know what he is doing and as looking as young as possible for as long as possible but in a natural way…so interesting ….I am 35 and freaking out even though I look younger than 35
@Danielle Desiree nicely put ❤
Lmao letting people influence you. That’s dumb
@Danielle Desiree u r so right ,
Why freak out? The goal is to look good, not young. Getting older is a blessing. Love your life. Eat well. Exercise. And you’ll look fine at every age.
@Cheryl Zaccone Exactly!!
I just turned 41 and def have this procedure on my radar in the next couple of years
I would never get this type of facelift. Call it what you want, preventative facelift or vertical lift but there is nothing new about it. Pulling the skin, cutting and stitching it was what facelifts were 30-40 years ago. May look great on skin in late 30’s early 40s but in the 50’s going to have to address the muscles under the skin. Deep Plane Facelift will need to be done on older skin. Those that want this no IV facelift will need another one in 10-15 years.
This dr has a patented technique he developed. It’s not the usual way of cutting and pulling. He explains the incisions he makes in another video. His results are very natural and the face doesn’t look pulled back.
Previously they weren’t moving the muscles and stitching them into the area they previously sat in, they just pulled the skin tighter. Compared to other Drs on YouTube this one does explain things differently and the reasons behind it, he also shows the difference between male and female facelifts and has a video with a patient speaking in the video also showing before and after.
Good point Shawna – here and in yr other replies…! I guess this is a face lift for smb who is your and can afford to get another surgery done again soon … As for the price: I guess the clients are flocking to these super expensive IG-uTube famous Docs bcs they can see a lot of their work, and it is good, so then the Doc who doesnt care about this type of fame and advertising seem less skilled or trustworthy than those in the lime light… PS I read your other comment about yr experience – who was yr Doc, if you dont mind? Trying to find independent references… TIA!
I’m having a facelift in London. My doctor never does YouTube. He’s been in the business for over 25+ years and everyone refers him. I’m not sure about all these surgeons that are doing these videos but they must need the business.
@Love&Peace what is his charges ?
@Ivy Depends I had lower facelift with neck and lower eyelids and I paid £13,200. A surgeon needs to see you face to face and both your expectations must be realistic and on par. I’m very happy have a little scar issue at the back of one ear but it’s only 7 weeks now. He is one of those surgeons who don’t leave you and will put it right for me without charge of course. Also he stills works for the NHS which I like because they are constantly training and are accountable unlike other surgeons.
@Love&Peace thank you very much . Appreciated
@Ivy look him up . He doesn’t say much but it’s all in his work x good luck ?❤️
@Love&Peace thank you , I will !
Very educational, thank you
I just turned 46 and sent a link of your vertical face lift to my husband lol … I’m SOO HERE for this ?
@Lisa Jenkins are you sure ? I heard it’s way more than that
Ok im comming …in some years …fuk im 36 freaking out
@Lisa Jenkins Thank you. I was thinking somewhere around $20k. Had no ideas would be as much..?
@Monet Love $46k!!
Same here ✋?Do you know of the ballpark cost? I really really want to get this done by Dr. Karam. TYIA
Hi, could be good to have a before and also the after without makeup. I found it a bit suspicious that only the after is with makeup on. 🙂