Liposuction And Brazilian Butt Lift Journey 2020 | BBL Plastic Surgery Consultation | Pt1
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This is the start of my plastic surgery journey, I will be getting liposuction and a brazilian butt lift. This was recorded before the pandemic happened so there will be an update video to see what our plans are and how the virus has changed our plans.
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I CAN NOT WAIT to see your process! I have considered the process of getting a booty especially after giving birth. So happy you are going to document.
THEY HAYDEN I can’t wait to see how it all turns out!!!!
Omg I want to get one sooooo bad can’t wait to see how everything goes and get more insight on this process!!!
Courtney Lambert i’m super excited! I’m totally documenting the entire journey, you can check out the playlist❤️
You got this girl.God bless you and I wish you the best of luck.
Marilyn Rodriguez thank you ???
The first time on your channel was the hand held Ultrasound RF Slimming machine, your before and after results were impressive.
First I want to congratulate you both on your beautiful children! They are adorable.
When I heard of plastic surgery, I said, FOR WHAT?? You are a natural beauty, WTHECK! Now I understand, why you want to sculpt, especially with your cute babies. You deserve it. Looking forward to your journey and thank you for sharing with us.
Good luck with everything… You are already beautiful, girl you are going to be GORGEOUS!!! A quick question, you have awesome cheek bones, are you Cherokee? You look Native American!
Good luck love and Congratulations on the subscribers you are doing a great job!
RaineyTwinzX2 thank you, I’m super excited!!!
Great video and personality!!! Best wishes!!?. From mom group
Sueanne Metz thank you so much❤️
Best wishes with your procedure.
I eventually want to get a tummy tuck in the future.
Thank you, I will definitely let her know. She lives a little closer to Florida so it’s a little more convenient. I am in NYC the places I’ve looked into are double Miami’s prices?
Ms. Jojo I looked into Miami a little bit after paying for the recovery house and the plane tickets I’m not really saving. Plus I don’t have anyone to keep the kids while I’m going.
Tell her to look into power assist liposuction, there’s a lot less recovery time. That’s what my doctor uses!
Definitely, will document it. I just have to find a doctor who’s willing to do my procedure. My sister wants to get the same procedure as you. She wants to get hers in Miami.
Ms. Jojo I’ll definitely keep you updated! if you get a Tummy Tuck, are you going to document it?
God willing soon. I can imagine how an exciting process this is for you. Sometimes Mommy’s need to give themselves a little TLC. Please post any updates will support you?
I’m excited for you!! Can’t wait for update videos.
Moran Family TV yessss??
This is exciting and I’m so happy I get to watch this journey and I wanna do it but gotta wait for funds ? “new Butt envelope” ??
The Wesleys a butt envelop would be awesome!!!!
New subscribers congratulations everything is going to be just fine can’t wait to see your journey from day one
Donna The Differ thank you so much!
@Twins Times Two ok glad to hear everything went okay going to see if you are put up the video I did subscribe
Donna The Differ thank you! I’ve actually had the surgery and I’m feeling pretty good so far! It was a little rough in the beginning but I’m recovering well❤️
Good luck be safe ??
Iam StereoTyped. Ent thanks, friend! How’s it going over there? Still getting snitched on and reviewed??
I love your honesty
Andrea Shaenanigans ???
I have keloid skin so I ruled myself out because the keloid I have already from my csection is pretty bad. I need to get a consultation with a dermatologist ?. lol
Ruthie’s Plans I’ll be doing update videos so you can really see how big the incisions are! I hope it all works out for you❤️
Twins Times Two I don’t know. That’s why I want to talk to a dermatologist because the long one from my csection scar bothers me with certain underwear on so I want it gone. Once all this stuff is done I can finally see about it
Ruthie’s Plans what are the chances of getting them removed and they not come back?
Twins Times Two “Keloids often are lumpy or ridged. The scar rises after an injury or condition has healed, such as a surgical incision” I have a very long and BIG one on my lower abdomen and I have one on my belly button from my belly button ring. Steroid can be used to get it to go down but my OB used ALOT of steroids when doing my second csection and had to cut off my last keloid and it still came back even thicker. So I just know that any small incision would leave one on my skin. ?
Ruthie’s Plans I’m not familiar with that? What does that mean?
I will be having a mommy make over in dec super excited and scared ,thanks for sharing
Jenny Jen good luck, you got this!!!
@Twins Times Two I’ll keep u posted!?
Jenny Jen hahahahaha I’m just being honest??
@Twins Times Two damn ??
@Twins Times Two thanks girl!!!
Recovery days sounds sooooooooo good!
Moran Family TV yessss?? make sure your doctor uses power assist liposuction!
Love your honesty! ??What is “ the needle thing”? ? Vaser?
jjowhal thank you❤️ it’s called power assist liposuction. It’s supposed to be less damaging to your tissue and the overall recovery is supposed to be faster. I have a playlist documenting everything, I’m 20 days post op now. I had the surgery on a Friday and was caring for all four of my toddlers alone by Monday!
I need all of this. ?
Andrea Shaenanigans hell ya!!!
I have my surgery with him tomorrow im super excited ?
Destiny Diamond yessss!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!!
GIRL!!! Man, I low key wanna do it too but I’m so scared friend.
Moran Family TV you should have been doing with me?
I’m excited for you!!!!!!!!!
Andrea Shaenanigans I’m soooo excited, I can’t wait!