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Louis Theroux has liposuction surgery performed by Los Angeles liposuction expert Dr. Amron Part 3

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  1. whitexchina

    He did it so he can understand a little a bit more about the experience even though he is against it. That’s so good about him. Like the way he tries to find humanity in murderers, nazis etc. Not easy tasks. I always try to put myself in other peoples shoes for a better understanding.
    He still is against lipo, but wants to know what he’s talking about.

  2. Ji-yeon So

    @PapaWilk He didn’t get liposuction because he felt like he needed it. I think it was more to do with the understanding and experience more than anything else. Oh, and good footage for the episode, I would think lol.

  3. geppegep

    @Erasser999 its all about proportions, sure it was not “big” but it was a little big compared to the rest of his body, and he could have lost that fat by excercising anyway, to say all these ppl are empty on the inside is just ignorant and judgemental

  4. the0th

    i think many fat people just feel angry that they are too scared to do something like this and blame the people who do this for taking a ‘shortcut’. it clearly works and as well as cosmetic changes it might even increase life expectancy.

  5. Erasser999

    His stomach was way too big? Are you kidding me? Such a shallow comment. This totally promotes vanity and people that think this is a good idea are empty on the inside. The only reason this procedure should be used is if someone who was seriously obese lost a tremendous amount of weight and had excessive skin due to their prior weight.

  6. SingenStatt Atmen

    2:15 This Doctor must be lying to himself to be able to say that- “If someone can achieve the same results with diet and exercise, I don’t do the procedure” Yeah right. What a load of bollocks. If that were the case, he wouldn’t have done this on Louis. There wouldn’t be absolutely ripped people out there, with no extra fat whatsoever if it were impossible to achieve. This man is deluding himself so that he can keep being proud of everything he does.

    1. MMAoracle

      People with an uneven fat distribution have a terrible time getting a good physique, whereas someone with an even distribution of fat has it much easier. Anyone who’s been in the fitness community and worked with athletes who step on stage is aware of this, and the doctor is 100% correct that someone with pocketed fat distribution can’t with rigorous diet and exercise lose those pockets of fat.

    1. headphonic8

      No, actually if you have loads of fat the surgery is useless because you’ll just gain it back. It’s best used on slim people who want to shape the fat they have and achieving better proportions.

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