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Male Brazilian Butt Lift | BBL | Dr. Daniel Barrett | Plastic Surgery | Los Angeles

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The latest #bodygoal is a slim and contoured waist, with a round and generous derriere. This look has been perpetuated by fitness gurus, celebrities, and Instagram models alike. They claim fit tea, squats, and waist training but we’re here to let you in on a little secret… it’s called the Brazilian Butt Lift.

Want Kylie Jenner proportions? Lets get caught up on the hottest procedure at the moment, the Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as a BBL.

The BBL has gained major popularity over the past few years and it is one of the most sought after surgeries in the world. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently released statistics on the top surgical procedures, and butt enhancement surgery is clearly on the rise. It is the fastest growing type of plastic surgery at the moment with 1000% increase from 10 years ago. The BBL is a comprehensive procedure that combines liposuction with the transfer of the patient’s own fat to the buttocks. The operations are performed simultaneously delivering a powerful one-two combo… a snatched waist and a sizable butt.

The BBL is the most natural method of augmenting the butt, because the fat used is from the patient’s own body, there is no need for an artificial implant.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon – Dr. Daniel Barrett

Dr. Barrett is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. He specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, nose and body. His passion is providing natural results with minimal downtime, utilizing holistic approaches. He has developed detailed scar management protocols and closure techniques to reduce the appearance of scars for his patients.

He has been practicing since 2008 and opened his Beverly Hills office in 2014. During that time he has made numerous appearances on the television show The Doctors, providing charitable work for massive weight loss patients. He also appears on Entertainment Television as an expert on the latest plastic surgery trends and techniques. He is actively involved in research to reduce implant-related capsular contracture. He has recently presented internationally his findings on breast implant malposition and correction.

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Barrett Plastic Surgery
Located in Beverly Hills CA

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