Mommy Makeover in Austin – Liposuction, Breast Lift and Tummy Tuck – Westlake Plastic Surgery
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Watch as Dr. Caridi performs a mommy makeover in Austin Texas complete with liposuction, breast enhancement and a tummy tuck, the three classic components of a mommy makeover.
Dr. Caridi says : "I see many moms in my Austin office who are thrilled with their children and family life. I see grandmoms who are in the prime of their lives enjoying their children, and their grandchildren! However, they are troubled by the effects of pregnancy on their figures such as weight gain and fat accumulation, sagging or shrinking of the breasts, and wrinkling and bulging of the abdomen from pregnancy—all of which can take its toll on self esteem."
This video is an educational presentation of the components of a classic mommy makeover – liposuction, breast enhancement and a tummy tuck, as well as a detailed presentation of the surgical procedures that go into a mommy makeover.
View before and after images of mommy makeovers performed by Dr. Caridi at Westlake Plastic Surgery :
The surgical procedure starts with tumescent infiltration the fat with saline solution before liposuction. The procedure continues with liposuction of the fatty areas with a cannula to remove the fat. The cannula is moved under the skin and the fat is sucked out of the abdominal areas and flanks. The procedure then continues with a breast augmentation – in this case a breast augmentation and reduction – the BAR procedure – in which the breasts are reduced and lifted with an implant. The BAR procedure is performed in this operation because the patient had breasts that had sagged after having kids. With the BAR procedure, the implant is designed to sit up high and the extra tissue in the sagging breast is reduced. With this option, the breasts appear higher and are not likely to sag again. The results are higher, tighter and perkier breasts.
Would you like to speak to Dr. Caridi about a mommy makeover? Schedule a consultation to speak with the doctor from your own home:
During the breast lift portion of the procedure, the nipple area is marked for its reduced size and eventual relocation in its higher position. A 415cc high profile smooth wall silicone implant is placed in a sub-muscular position – under the muscle. The nipple areola complex is then moved into a higher position.
The final stage of the procedure is a tummy tuck – abdominoplasty – in which the extra skin and fatty tissue is removed from the abdominal area. After having children, the fascia – a band or sheet of connective tissue beneath the skin that attaches and separates muscles and other internal organs – can get stretched out significantly. Unlike muscle that can be strengthened and toned with excercise, fascia cannot be toned with exercise. In the procedure, the fascia is firmed and tightened with fascial plication using sutures. The extra skin is then removed from the abdominal area and the procedure is complete.
Dr. Caridi discusses the emotional components of the surgery that can give women back the bodies they had before childbirth and the stresses of raising children. The patient is excited to give back to herself, have a thinner waist, less fat, perkier breasts and a confident appearance.
See the doctor's full website at
See more about the mommy makeover procedures with before and after photos and the reasons that so many women chose this procedure to get their younger bodies back :
If you’d like to get in touch with me or request a consultation – even from the privacy from your own home – head here :
Cost for liposuction??
How much for Brest surgery
This was amazing. I am encouraged to pursue a plastic surgeon career!
I don’t understand why yall getting “weird” vibes from him, It’s literally his job and he’s doing fantastic!
Agx Restrictxd Haters gonna hate! Thank you for the support.
I love how he is super calm taking about the stomach incisions and then just casually peels the whole freaking top of her stomach off. ?
@Westlake Plastic Surgery Center i wanted more than anything to be a PS (preferably reconstructive) for so so long, then i took a high school anatomy class and vomited dissecting a sheep brain. decided it wasn’t for me, now i’m planning on being a paralegal. definitely the opposite end of the spectrum ?
megan stogin Welcome to the life of being a (experienced) cosmetic surgeon! Not for the feint of heart.
Fantastic doctor ! Absolutely amazing and professional! Your explanation is on point❤️
this was by far one of the best videos on this procedure ever. I love the detail and your right, there are not very many videos in this detail out there. I’m researching for myself and so glad that I came across this. Thank you.
I love you.
Khalilah Holmes dgdvffcgfg
He is feeling all over her because THATS HIS JOB. he’s feeling to know what he’s working with. I hope any plastic surgeon I go to also feels around and knows what he’s getting into.
Its a dream job
I’m impressed. Hands down!! I have my hopes up in having this makeover done too. Including extra skin in inner thigh and arm wings (yuck)
corie jones Thank you very much! When you’re ready to start exploring your options, I offer a free online consultation, which you can find at
Thank you so much for this video, it is an eye opener, very informative, now I know better
Mudi Mabs Glad it was helpful!
Beautiful job ?????? Love it ❤️
Brenda Ramirez Glad you like it!
OMG!!!!! What an eye-opener!
I dream of being able to do this one day. I love and wish there was more of these types of videos. You have a great bedside manner, and appear to be amazing at what you do.
+91 8572845808
I love sex.
@Westlake Plastic Surgery Center
Hello miss
Thank you Krystie! This is exactly why these videos are published – to help inform the public about plastic surgery, the procedures, and Westlake Plastic Surgery. Reach out when you’re ready and we can talk more.
Amazing job doc God bless you.
13:54 അടിവയർ എന്നല്ലേ പറഞ്ഞത് ??
I’d like to see what healing part of it & the aftermath
Mike Oz Sorry about that, it can depend on what the patient and how much they want to show, but stay tuned for videos in the future to feature this. In the meantime, I do have a full gallery of before and after photos of Mommy Makeover patients on my website you can review at
Beautiful work Doctor. I liked the placement of the belly button. That’s a big deal.
Very informative. Thank you. Something I really need to know is regarding nipple sensation. I am trying to find an uplift procedure that also does fat transfer as opposed to implants but that has limited damage to nipple sensation as that is important to me with intimacy. I have been waiting for years and not sure whether it is worth the tradeoff.
My love.
@Habanero You’re most welcome. If you don’t mind, please reach out to me via my free online consultation so that we can discuss this further, as I would need some details that can’t be shared on YouTube before giving any personal recommendations. If you need the link again, it is
Westlake Plastic Surgery Center Thank you. The procedure I am referring to would also uplift and use breast tissue to create fullness as well as fat transfer….My major concern with any of them is nipple sensation. Can you recommend the best procedure for keeping sensation.
Cecilia De Rossi You’re most welcome! One other thing to consider is your decision regarding implants vs fat transfer. While fat transfer would seem the ideal solution, there is often not enough fat to transfer for use in the breasts, can lead to a non-uniform appearance and will simply not last as long as implants because the fat will either be reabsorbed by the body or break down relatively quickly. This is why I will only use fat transfer in breast procedures for only the most minute augmentations. If you would like to discuss this in further detail, including all of your options, I offer a free online consultation which you can find at
Thank you it is very informative. I did enjoy every minute of it.
Thanks for the feedback. We’re working on new videos about the mommy makeover procedure. Stay tuned.
About the anesthesia it is definitely the best thing since sliced bread, you are absolutely correct. Nothing scary about it!??? #NiceWork Dr…
Hello miss
Haha, I don’t say it just to say it! I want what is best for my patients and it is good to have testimony to support what I’m saying.
Great bedside manner! I really need this from having weight surgery I have alot of excess skin and would love to have it filmed to look at later. I’m one of those that would like to see the process. How much was this procedure and where are you located also do you take insurance.
Sexy ladey.
Hi how r u
Thank you and I am located in Austin, Texas. You would have to talk with your insurance company about the procedure(s) you’re considering and if they are covered, but in general cosmetic procedures are not. As for price, a mommy makeover is a collection of different procedures that typically varies from patient to patient and therefore price will too. I offer a free online consultation, so if you would like specific pricing information for you can request one here at