My Laser Liposuction Experience | Before & After, Cost, Procedure
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I hope I answered everyone's questions and explained this well. 🙂
Please remember that I did this for ME, and I appreciate everyone who has been SO supportive. You guys rock. xox
Pre-surgery video –
INSTAGRAM || @learningtobefearless
I gain weight in my face too. I’m under 100 pounds and I have a double chin lol
I have a cousin like that. And she’s had it as long as I can remember…lol
Me too! The hell!
Lucky u
MissDarcei yeah same I believe it’s a genetic thing too
@Shylay Myatt it must be. Fucking cursed ??
I could totally see myself getting this done. I’ve always told my husband that I’m completely fine with being plus-sized it’s just that I don’t like having the extra weight on my face. I love my curves, just not my double chin lol
Yes your right double chin is no sexy, I know I have one.
For those that are impatient, before pictures at 9:55.
What’s the cost
Thank u!!!!
Thank u
Thank you. ??
thanx lol
Just because you are an advocate for being body positive doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to tweak things you can’t change yourself. I think you are stunning and a great role model for other women. Those who whinge are going to do so regardless of what you do xox
Great Video! Excuse me for butting in, I am interested in your opinion. Have you thought about – Barnaki Measurable Change Booster (search on google)? It is a smashing exclusive guide for getting rid of double your chin or chubby cheeks minus the hard work. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my buddy after a lifetime of fighting got excellent results with it.
Litfromwithin e
Her body..her choice..her happiness. Stop looking at what other people do..and start wondering why it’s so important for you to judge others. Nobody is perfect..and if somebody says one thing yet does another..well congrats to them..they are human beings..and have the right to change their minds and do what they want. Just worry about you..and let others be my dear.
+Litfromwithin Our society is royally screwed. “I’m body positive, I’m really happy with my body, but I’ll pay surgeons to cut parts of me up”
This is just superb, been searching for “exercises for your double chin” for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across – Barnaki Measurable Change Booster – (just google it ) ? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my mate got cool success with it.
it is ridiculous that you have to justify changing anything on yourself. if you dyed your hair black would you have to justify it to the blondes or viseversa. dont apologise
she is so cute
+peita kreegher agree… and I actually like the results.
+peita kreegher hi everyone ,if anyone else needs to find out about best exercise for reducing double chin try Elumpa New Face Alchemist (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my neighbor got great results with it.
Yes she does.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it was really helpful!! I was also wondering what lipstick you’re wearing in this video, I love it!!
Awww…look at baby Alex! You’ve grown so much and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come. It’s so good to look back at your older videos. I love you girl!❤❤?
Absolutely gorgeous! I’m planning on getting this done myself. Thank you for your video
Thank you for making this video! I have been thinking about getting this done for awhile now. I have been 200 pounds and I have been 94 pounds (I was very ill for awhile) and I have a double chin no matter how much I weigh! It drives me crazy, so I will probably be getting this procedure done as it is really the only thing I feel self conscious about and I’m tired of thinking about it, lol. <3
I totally understand and think you look amazing before and after, at the end of the day the most important factor for confidence is being happy with who and how you are:)
So you paid $2,000 or more? I’m interested in this procedure and I’ve been looking for accurate price quotes online. Thanks!
You look beautiful sweetheart! I noticed that you spent a great deal of time explaining the reasons behind your decision, live your life and ignore any negativity. I wish you well on your current and future endeavors!
I appreciate your honesty and bravery to put this out there.I am glad to hear that you are pleased with your results, and if you are happy that’s all that really matters. You look great!
Wow. You really look great. Im so proud of you! You’re getting to making you happy and there’s nothing more perfect than that ?
Awe Alex <3 I'm so happy you're happy, love! PS where did you get that perfect slouchy tee shirt!?
Those are some damn awesome results! I can totally tell a difference, you look so fresh!
Please don’t feel like you have to justify any decisions you make about your appearance. If you want to move your nose to another part of your face or shave your head or anything else, it’s your business lol. People on here are just idiots.
You are exactly right ! Its your body ! No one else has to live your life. Good for YOU. You continue to be an inspiration for me <3
You are absolutely AMAZING!!! Thank you so much for this information. I have been looking for something exactly like this. We have an amazing Sonabello here and I will now looking into this exact same process.
You are totally adorable. You were before too but if this makes you feel better then awesome! Your face is the first thing anyone sees about you, same with a smile and this is why so many people have work done on their teeth. I understand why you’d make the choice to eliminate a double chin. You look amazing right now and you did what you wanted to do for you so ignore the haters and be happy with the sweet outcome of the good decision you made for yourself! You are very sweet and it shows in your face and smile 🙂