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Part 1 of my nose job journey. This video covers the time prior to the operation, the recovery process, the reveal of the shape, and a one month update.
Part 2 contains updates from March through to August, and as you will see, the nose I had immediately after the operation is not the same nose I have today. There were complications during my recovery, the results are nowhere near what I had hoped they would be.
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“She’s rocking a Smokey eye” ???
Thank you sharing the awareness. Many hugs to you! <3
Your nose is beautiful!! Leave the piercing Out!
You are SOOOOO hilarious!!!! I LOVE your personality!!! ❤❤❤❤
I’m really hoping part two isn’t you losing your nose like Voldemort and then Archie having to become Feather Potter to avenge your previous nose
@Gamin Sisters lmao
Oh god I’ve been going through the comments and this is the only comment she’s liked ?
how is she so chill about that swelling, i would be TERRIFIED.
Archie couldn’t take his eyes off your nose. He looks concerned for mommy. Hes such a sweet birdy. The bird stays.
@Melissa Abbott I know Exactly what you mean personally I’m not getting it done because I need cosmetic work it’s mainly due to the fact where I’ve broken mine a few times and I couldn’t find a ENT to fix it
@Anthony Toms I am too and I’m terrified! ..buuuut..its temporary pain and swelling doesn’t account for years of emotional pain ?
@Anthony Toms good luck to you! I’m going to have this operation as well. Also very very scared haha ?
Well when I had my nose done they said the swelling is going to be crazy, not to freak out. I expected it and knew it was going to go away
I’m utterly shocked that you weren’t on a soft food diet after your surgery
@Short Scenes ??♀️
@Harlow Marie It’s pathetic rather than funny. However, the drug dealers are laughing.
@Short Scenes because it’s funny AF ??♀️ just like saying “do weed” ???
@Harlow Marie Why do people like you say ‘do’ when the actual word should be ‘take.’ I suppose you need to assume a spurious sense of audacity.
@Kristinadk back when I was younger, I used to do hydrocodone which is Vicodin and then I switched to oxycodone acetaminophen which is Percocet and how is gets its name oxy and then I graduated to Oxycontin before moving on to smoking heroin lmao. I’m clean now though ❤️
They should make a eyeshadow color called “post nose job” lol it would be a beautiful color?
Yeah and some smokey black and grey
like a blue purple yellow multichrome
bruising needs a whole damn palette lol
Easy to DIY ….. lots of navy blue, green, purple, with a touch of yellow. Edit – Oh, I forgot to include red. (color suggestions based on a recent horrendous bruise I had after a fall …… oh how colorful and impressive that bruise was! Deep, deep bruising. A textbook hematoma.)
Fun fact: doctors saying “I don’t know why he would have said that” means “I know exactly why they said that but I’m not allowed to tell people that the other doctor is crap”
I feel like the first doctor may have been more onto it with being really straight forward and totally serious and blunt
@Rebecca Jaeger the first dr. Told her straight up false information.
You’re absolutely right lmao
Oh yesss, at the ob gyn the doc prescripted my first contraception pills and I was takeing those for 3 months and go back (in my country the care is free and you can go to all the 3 doctors it depends who is in at the time) and next time another doc was there and he told me I should have been blood tested… and I was like, so why didnt she told me??? “I don’t know…..” of course…
@Miss Riley I am 38 and was diagnosed literally last week. When you find the right doctors and explain them what other “professionals” said about your symptoms (e.g. “it’s all in your head”, “you are abussing drugs”, “you need psychotherapy”…) they try really hard to give you proper information about your condition/s while avoiding talking about the professionalism of the doctors that examined you before.
When she started crying after seeing the tip.. my Lord.. it broke me. This is why I’m ALL for getting work done FOR YOURSELF.
“Should I spray this nasal spray up my freshly operated on nose?”
650 thousand subscribers: NO! NO! OH MY GOD NO! NOOOOOO!
“Oh I’ll just dab it on instead!”
*650,000-strong sigh of relief*
Actually she should spray the nasal spray it cleans the dry blood
?????? my Goodness this comment
The fact that the first question her husband asks was “are you happy?” Was just got me to my soul xx
That’s the first thing my husband also asked!!
Literally came to the comments as soon as it happened ?
Multi Color Thank you! It was so cute made me tear up a bit ?
We Simp 01:01:04 when sie reveals it to him 🙂
Where is it do you have a timestamp?
I’d say the strain from crying, chewing food and repeatedly touching your eyes is why they became so swollen and possibly infected. I’m not sure why they didn’t give u a cold compress to place over your eyes and soft food that required less chewing.
I simultaneously feel bad that you were in pain and can’t stop laughing because of things such as:
Face tampon
Minty fresh
How you had to tap the cucumber into your mouth with a fork
Every time I saw the “spoiler alert” my anxiety for you heightened ?
Sameeee aaaahh
I’m so sorry that those horrible people have left such immature comments.
@Tammy Maui girl idk what u meant by that but if I looked like you I wouldn’t be talking.
Do you have that youtube money to pay for a nose job? Or a lypo suction in your own case?
@Tammy Maui ??? r u ok?
I’ll never understand why people even take the time to write those things, like what do they achieve? does it make them happy? it’s so weird.
Exactly my thoughts
I THOUGHT the ” face tampon ” as the guys called it. Was also helping to reinforce the tip staying up somehow. I was concerned when you kept removing it. But it actually doesn’t help to reinforce the nose.
Ps. Also why would they serve pretty hard food to chew even if it’s a salad. Starting a liquid meal is so much better. You won’t be using as much facial muscles for that. …
The photo from your wedding is gorgeous! The fact you’re upset with the photo is upsetting because you look gorgeous
HER HUSBAND IS THE SWEETEST MAN HOLY CRAP how do men like that even exist he made me cry
My husband is one of them. It takes time to find one.
When your friend said: “I wanna take a picture kissing your nose because its perfect” DUDE I NEARLY CRIED
One of the most honest videos on the subject I’ve watched, cool girl, great sense of humor.