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MY PLASTIC SURGERY EXPIERENCE || Pt 1. Double eyelid surgery, Asian Rhinoplasty, Chin liposuction,

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This week I am sharing the part one of my Plastic Surgery experience. I decided to have my cosmetic procedures done in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at The DaVinci Clinic which is next to Mid Valley Shopping Mall. In this video, i share my thoughts just before the surgery, the consultation and why i decided to go to Malaysia.

WATCH PART 2 to this video HERE:

After speaking to Dr Tristian, I booked to go ahead with Double eyelid surgery, a full asian rhinoplasty (Closed rhinoplasty with a Silicone Implant, Tip Plasty using ear cartilage, Alarplasty – nostril reduction), Chin Liposuction and lower face contouring. I also had a facial before my procedures called a Silk peel, which cleans out the pores and oil using hydration. Followed by extracting any clogged pores and spots. I decided on splitting the video up other wise the video would of been extremely long! This week shows the consultation and thoughts before surgery and I will upload what happened after the surgery shortly.

I cannot thank the DaVinci Clinic enough at how helpful they have been throughout my whole surgery experience! This is something I have been wanting for a long time, so please keep any negative opinions to yourself. This video is for anyone out there who is looking to get similar procedures done, as i know how hard it is to find this information online!

P.S I am SO sorry i have been MIA on Youtube – I have been recovering for 2 months, and had a lot of technical issues, i.e my Hardrive being deleted by accident -.- My snap family knows the struggle! However this year i am planning to take on Youtube FULL FORCE and will be uploading good regular content! Please make sure to subscribe for more videos coming your way!

Comment down below and please let me know if theres anything else you would like to see from me!

DaVinci Clinic :
Dr Tristan and Dr Yun.

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xThuyle –

xThuyle –

xThuyle –

—— Songs Used:
Catas & Kasger – Blueshift

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Author: admin



  1. BB

    Come on guys, let’s get some positivity back to the top of the comments. This is actually why so many of us love Thuy. Not because she has surgery, but because she’s so transparent and honest, and doesn’t hide what she’s had done. And if you guys took the time to watch all her other videos, then you wouldn’t even see the surgery anyway. You’d see a sweet, caring, and hilariously funny girl, with a beautiful soul.
    Beautiful before, beautiful after, and beautiful inside too ❤️

  2. nicoleskey

    Love it Thuy! You did such a good job considering the struggle with having to re edit it! I say don’t give up haha keep trying to get the files back and you can just update it in future and add vlogs etc especially when your channel picks up you’ll have a ton of other content to use again! Anyway so happy to see how you’ve healed and doing so well on snap hehe <3

    1. MissDragonclaw

      @Chieu-Anh Nguyen oooh scary! It is a free world, I can say anything I want, and I will do that as I please. Some people just don’t want to face reality, and I’m gonna use the reality to smack it in their pathetic faces. Can’t escape from reality. People are so pathetically nowadays, have to walk around eggshells all the time. I rather just walk normally and crush those eggshells. Tell me, how are you gonna make me become someone who doesn’t dare to speak the honest, brutal truth?

  3. munashenaomi_

    Great job with this video Thuy! I know from snap that you were very frustrated with the lost footage but thank you for persevering and working hard to get this video up for us! Loved it! Your dedication doesn’t go unnoticed #SNAPFAM ?? xx

  4. Nataly I

    holy f, you’re so effing cute and beautiful naturally!! ugh wow, it’s so sad that you felt the need to put yourself through all of this. Regardless, as long as it’s what makes you happy at the end! 🙂 *thumbs up*

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