MY PLASTIC SURGERY STORY pt 2 | Double eyelid, Rhinoplasty, Chin liposuction
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This week I am sharing the part TWO of my Plastic Surgery experience. I booked to go ahead with Double eyelid surgery, a full asian rhinoplasty (Closed rhinoplasty with a Silicone Implant, Tip Plasty using ear cartilage, Alarplasty – nostril reduction), Chin Liposuction and lower face contouring.
I decided to have my cosmetic procedures done in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at The DaVinci Clinic which is next to Mid Valley Shopping Mall. In this video, i share what happened straight after the surgery, the healing period and finally two months post surgery!
After speaking to Dr Tristian, I also had a facial before my procedures called a Silk peel, which cleans out the pores and oil using hydration. Followed by extracting any clogged pores and spots. I also had a fotona pico laser to help with scaring and pigmented skin. I decided on splitting the video up other wise the video would of been extremely long!
Click here to watch PART 1 of this video
I cannot thank the DaVinci Clinic enough at how helpful they have been throughout my whole surgery experience! This is something I have been wanting for a long time, so please keep any negative opinions to yourself. This video is for anyone out there who is looking to get similar procedures done, as i know how hard it is to find this information online!
P.S I am SO sorry i have been MIA on Youtube – I have been recovering for 2 months, and had a lot of technical issues, i.e my Hardrive being deleted by accident -.- My snap family knows the struggle! However this year i am planning to take on Youtube FULL FORCE and will be uploading good regular content! Please make sure to subscribe for more videos coming your way!
Comment down below and please let me know if theres anything else you would like to see from me!
DaVinci Clinic :
Dr Tristan and Dr Yun.
Contact Athena at the DaVinci clinic directly to help with consultations:
+6016 968 0816 (whatsapp)
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xThuyle –
xThuyle –
xThuyle –
im glad they hooked you up after that nurse cut your hair! xo <3
Your boyfriend is so supportive he’s so sweet he doesn’t judge and keeps saying nice things to cheer you up it must have been very helpful ❤ im very happy for you
@CXD thats pretty to u? Damn…
i mean if my gf was getting prettier and prettier i wouldnt judge either lol
This really shows that,
Demonic Gamer ikr
You’re so brave! Thank you for being so honest and raw with us! I love watching yours and your sisters Snapchat stories and I just started watching your YouTube Chanel! You’re so honest and open ❣️
This one of the most honest and interesting vlogs I’ve ever seen. I think you are to be commended, on how honest you were. But not necessarily promoting it. Just telling your story and showing the real truth of surgery. I really felt for you when you were recovering. You seemed so sad. But you look great , and you have the result you hoped for.
I hope more Asian should be proud & happy about our natural beautiful.
helin your comment is pointless.. you described white people..
N N we don’t want to be white, some Asians ( not all ) that live in Asians countries typically tries to look the most ideal way which usually is having double eyelids and paler skin, yes white people have double eyelids and pale skin but that doesn’t mean we want to look like y’all
@Brittanie Stpierre
Skin whitening, eyelid surgery, nose jobs etc what do you mean how???
Who cares if we look white as long as it looks good ?
All that pain?I can’t see people going through such pain just to look conventionally beautiful ?
You’re so brave for putting this on YouTube! You look beautiful! ❤️
Wow some comments are really rude. ThuLey thanks for sharing your experience. You look beautiful and what matters is that you were happy with the results. Love you girl from Cali
Remember girls perfection doesn’t exsist so u have to love you for who u are
Yessssssssssssssss ??
Says Playboy and Maxim ?
Exactly just like aging it is part of a evolution in life ☮️
Preach ??
really nice comment. trust me, i lived in Pakistan in 2000 and i went for 5/6 appointments for frickles just because i had so much pressure because everyone would say ohh what are these dots on my face and even telling me all the time my nose is so fat and big. When i saw other girls in parties having nice bodies and beautiful sexy faces i cried almost all the time. But thank God this changed when i moved to Norway. I dont care about my nose or i dont have nice eylashes or about frickles. I feel like it is just me. No need to go for lasers or under knives. it is all about self confident.
Shes seems like a sweetheart ❤
This is one of the most honest vlogs i ve seen so far on youtube, thanks @xThuyLe for being who you are. By the way you look beautiful, before AND after the procedure
“My face is gonna be…chiseled honey…heh heh” I died ??
Even though I don’t plan to do this myself, it’s so interesting to see the process. You look awesome girl!
Mellow Mike i know right we need to learn to accept our selves as is…I think the reason for people wanting to go through surgery to change their image. is because society has painted this image of what males and females should look like and so our children grow up wanting to look like them so when they reach an age they want to change how they look.
haha same here. I don’t plan on it (if I could afford a nose job maybe but that’s still scary!) everything came out so good and success beautiful before and after. I love her eyes before but like she said eyeliner and eyelashes are much easier.
Amber Sok It’s not just a little controversial. 98,000 people die every year from hospital mistakes. Every surgery is risky. To think that we’ve gotten to the point where people would risk their health and their lives to look better is scary.
I mean I know it’s a little controversial of an opinion, but I don’t know why y’all have to be bullies online about it.
Amber Sok I think smone is blind
i love how your boyfriend’s been so supportive!!!
girl, you a real one for sharing your experience???
Love that you’re so open about this, this video is so helpful!
I believe she was VERY beautiful before but She is even more beautiful now because she is HAPPIER and more confident and that is what beauty is about 🙂 ??
Fatima Sadaf you don’t know how much mor confident she was after that may have made her confidence sky rocket so to you it might not be but to her it obviously is
It’s not a good thing because you should love how god created youuu !! He created you the best way!! And then you are changing his creation!! eg: if a man builds a robot with a lot of hard work and then his robot breaks or his robot becomes destroyed then he would be sad!! Similarly god has also created us beautiful among all the creatures !! And you should be thankful for it !! Thank you ♥️
Just to feel a bit more confident it’s not necessary to go through all of this
You have such a fun personality! I love how you do your make up, and those lashes are just WOW!!
Yes…. I’m watching this video a year late haha ?