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  1. Chris Aviles

    I had a deviated septum and had to have surgery plus some other things , let me tell you , I had these same exact splints in my nose on both sides .. the discomfort is unbelievable , u better pray u don’t have to sneeze like I did . Lmao . The relief tho was amazing once they were removed.

    1. Mia Pizzo

      @Cass YT thank you so much! i have dissolvable stitches so i wonder if they’ll have to snip mine. I get my stents out thursday! i wish you luck! what happened to your nose? i broke mine 🙁

    2. Cass YT

      @Mia Pizzo to me the little snip of the stitch was the worst bit the stint was just a feeling of pressure and then relief. One side was slightly more tender but you will definitely be all good. He left my cast on for an extra 3 days though so i wont know what that feels like til friday

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