San Diego Plastic Surgeon Video, Dr. Tom Pousti
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Dr. Tom Pousti La Jolla / San Diego Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon specializing in Reconstructive and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery and is dedicated to restoring appearance, self-esteem, function, and quality of life to his patients.
After 20 years of extensive medical and surgical training, Dr. Tom Pousti is double board certified in General Surgery as well as Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. While Dr. Tom Pousti had studied and performed the fine art of plastic surgery, he understands that there are constant advances in plastic surgery technology and has incorporated the latest cutting edge advances into his daily practice.
Dr. Pousti performs plastic surgery in a hospital O.R. with a highly skilled team of Anesthesiologists, nurses and technicians to enhance patient comfort and to provide peace of mind to patients and their families.