Sculptra for Hip Dips – Skinny BBL San Diego ?
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Sculptra injections are the perfect complement to fill in hip dips for skinny girls and other patients who do not have a lot of fat available for a transfer. The Sculptra injections are $900/vial for the first 2 vials, and each additional vial is $800. The Sculptra for hip dips treatment lasts from about 2 to 5 years and is meant for small areas. There is no downtime, but you do have to massage the treated areas for 5 days 5 times per day, and the full results take around 4-8 weeks for your body’s own collagen to form in the treated areas. At Skin and Skinnier in La Jolla San Diego California, we specialize in Skinny BBLs. Sculptra enhances stubborn hip dips and adds volume in areas of bbl fat loss, particularly in skinny patients where fat loss and gain is easily noticeable.
We offer free -and hassle-free – virtual consultations. To start the process, please send us some pics or a video of the areas of concern to our email so Dr. Torres can see if you’re a good candidate and give you a free estimate. Oh… and we’re not the pushy type btw! ??
If this lasts 3-5 years, I’d love to try it. I don’t like the downtime for a bbl surgery. Can I schedule a consultation?
Is sculpta less invasive than an actual lipo procedure?
Sculptra is great for very small areas, but it is temporary. With a lipo and fat transfer you not only get more lasting volume, but you also get a more sculpted waist ??. We always try to recommend you the best option for your individual situation. ?
Hi! I live in Dan Diego and I wanna know how much it cost for the procedures. Looking forward hearing u soon.
We provide free evaluations and personalized quotes without hassle and pressure. Please reach out to us on our website at or through Instagram dms @skinandskinnier ??
Hi there ! Thanks for this video ! Inheard the shape stays for like 2 years ! And its like 2500 bucks ☺️ am living in Tucson !
Yeah, exactly, Sculptra is not permanent. That’s why a fat transfer often makes more sense even on a skinny patient. That’s our specialty! ?
I did a BBl and a lot went down I called my doctor and he was making it seem as if sculpture wouldn’t do nothing to me now I’m getting butt implants
It really depends on the individual person. Sometime butt implants are the best solution for a very skinny person who desires a pretty dramatic result. Sculptra is primarily for very small areas and can get expensive quickly if more volume is desired. All the best!
I want this sooo bad
This is safe and if it goes down where does it go?
Yes, it is very safe. It is a collagen stimulator and works for about 3-5 years, but the loss is very gradual.
Should i do leg and thigh excerises to make sure they match with my new booty
You want to wait at least 3 months before intensely working out (heavy lifting/jogging) or you’ll risk losing the fat
how much is the price range ??
Currently the price is $900 for the first two vials, and $800 for each additional
Do you use aquafill
No, we do not
Very good information. Really bad camera man??♀️
Thanks so much, and yes I agree with you (this is Doris, Dr. Torres’s wife and ‘videographer’ lol). I’ll try to do better, but we won’t let strangers into our surgery room, so thanks for putting up with my lame camera skills! ???
You bet!
Can you use it on boobs for lift & enhancement!
Hey can that scuptra be shipped in my country because am from Kenya how can l but it
You would need to contact a local medical provider to inquire. We are not shipping it anywhere. Thank you!
Hi , I was wondering if you all have a website or Instagram I could follow
Yes it’s @skinandskinnier ☺️?
That looks so painful
It looks way worse than it is! ?
But I heard it doesn’t stay after you inject it?
@Each one Teach one around 3-5 years, but it gradually diminishes over time
@Each one Teach one around 3-5 years
@Skin ‘n Skinnier how king does it typically last?
Yes, that is true. It is not a permanent solution like the fat transfer (although people never keep 100% of it either). Let us know if you’d like more info. ?
Can this be used to improve the appearance of cellulite on the back of the thigh?
No, not so much. We recommend doing some hamstring exercises to tighten that area and doing other types of anti-cellulite treatments.
Do they have local or general anaesthetic sorry not sure if you said in video
Only local anesthesia ??
What size needle was that.? And how much water was use to dilute the 2 vials. -Gina NP
I think he said 18