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Self Nose Job?! Rhinoplasty Stealth First Impression

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    1. fathima.areekadan

      One of this things is missing from me and I am having a heart attack I don’t remember where it is if it went inside my nose how will i find it someone help me once it went inside bcz my nose always become wet even if I don’t have fever it becomes dry and once it went inside and I didn’t feel it but after some time I sneeze and it came out and I am having anxiety bvz it is missing what if it went inside how will I find it plz someone help me is there any tip how to take it out or find if it is inside or will we feel anything ?????

  1. Laynie Fingers

    I know my opinion isn’t anything special, but I like your natural nose! It’s really cute, and I think it suits you. Also, when you were inserting the little bars all I could think of was those things shooting up your nose and getting lost in your sinuses! I was really uncomfortable, and I was so glad you got them out with no problem!

    1. Laynie Fingers

      @fathima.areekadan Your relatives are out of touch… I just showed your insta to my husband, and we both think you’re beautiful! I know a lot of older people are trying to be helpful, but I think we (I’m older too!) just get too caught up in how things were when we were younger. Thankfully a lot of young people seem more aware of what I consider the important things- who someone is as a person, for example.

      Also, let me share a quick story of my own… Growing up I absolutely hated my nose. I wanted to get cosmetic surgery to fix what I thought of as problems. However, when I met my husband he loved (and still loves) my nose! Over time, I was able to let go of what I thought were flaws and accept the nose I have!

      So hey, whenever you meet the person you want to spend your life with, they might think your nose is perfect! ?

    2. fathima.areekadan

      @Laynie Fingers ??I am very sad about my nose bcz whenever someone sees me they says why ur nose is fat and wide and I am embarrassed even my relatives started to make fun of me that’s why I found this ??thanks a lot u made my day ?nice to meet u I am very happy ❤❤

  2. Nenah Rivera

    I have it and I’ve been using it for 2 years now ? I like how my nose looks when I have them on but it hurts so much idk and it’s not comfortable at all guys and it lowkey makes my nose look big from the side but I want a pointer nose so oh well

    1. fathima.areekadan

      Even if I don’t have any fever whenever I put that inside my nose , water comes out of my nose I don’t know what was the problem and one of it went inside my nose and when I sneeze it came out but now one of it is missing and I am nervous if it went inside my nose how will I find it I don’t even feel when it went inside my nose ?????how will i find it

  3. heyitsfeiii

    Please don’t read into this video too much! It was me simply reviewing this nose tool! You know I like testing out weird beauty gadgets! 🙂 Let me know if you know more weird products! <3

    1. kim

      Im yo wat Don’t mind those classmates! They’re just jealous of you. My nose looks like a pig but nobody is perfect 🙂 We’re all going to die one day and those bullies won’t matter at all in a few years. Be confident girlie.

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