Self Nose Job?! Rhinoplasty Stealth First Impression
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I would be afraid of those things getting stuck or going way too backwards and then falling in my throat and then dying.
One of this things is missing from me and I am having a heart attack I don’t remember where it is if it went inside my nose how will i find it someone help me once it went inside bcz my nose always become wet even if I don’t have fever it becomes dry and once it went inside and I didn’t feel it but after some time I sneeze and it came out and I am having anxiety bvz it is missing what if it went inside how will I find it plz someone help me is there any tip how to take it out or find if it is inside or will we feel anything ?????
Astro Bear i got it stuck up my nose one time
Tie a thin rope to it
Holy s**t SAMME!!!
Imagine sneezing in public with these on and these flying out ??
Learn to sneeze through your mouth. I cough sneeze lol
lol ?
They are only really good for short term use like taking photos, you couldn’t wear them for hours or when talking, it would feel uncomfortable…
???? lols hilarious!!
lmfao!!! they think of everything these days!!!
Omg it looks so painful!!!
I know my opinion isn’t anything special, but I like your natural nose! It’s really cute, and I think it suits you. Also, when you were inserting the little bars all I could think of was those things shooting up your nose and getting lost in your sinuses! I was really uncomfortable, and I was so glad you got them out with no problem!
@fathima.areekadan I’m glad I could help a little bit. I’m glad I met you too! ?
@Laynie Fingers ?❤lots of love to u, I am happy I meet u ❤
@fathima.areekadan Your relatives are out of touch… I just showed your insta to my husband, and we both think you’re beautiful! I know a lot of older people are trying to be helpful, but I think we (I’m older too!) just get too caught up in how things were when we were younger. Thankfully a lot of young people seem more aware of what I consider the important things- who someone is as a person, for example.
Also, let me share a quick story of my own… Growing up I absolutely hated my nose. I wanted to get cosmetic surgery to fix what I thought of as problems. However, when I met my husband he loved (and still loves) my nose! Over time, I was able to let go of what I thought were flaws and accept the nose I have!
So hey, whenever you meet the person you want to spend your life with, they might think your nose is perfect! ?
@Laynie Fingers ??I am very sad about my nose bcz whenever someone sees me they says why ur nose is fat and wide and I am embarrassed even my relatives started to make fun of me that’s why I found this ??thanks a lot u made my day ?nice to meet u I am very happy ❤❤
@fathima.areekadan It sounds like you may have just lost it. Good thing… And please don’t put things in your nose! I bet your nose is lovely as it is! ?
That clickbait thumbnail though..
Does it really bother you?
MinMin lala that’s how it works
it scares the crap out of me
Ikr I was disturbed yet curious
OOF i was 1k like ;3
anyone else felt extremely worried when the put the two curved sticks in her nose?
It would be so awkward if you sneeze and those tiny things fly out of your nose while people are in front of you
all your musicbackground is allways on point!
heyitsfeiii hi
omg you replied! im so happy:)
you made my day 🙂
Aw thanks! 🙂
I have it and I’ve been using it for 2 years now ? I like how my nose looks when I have them on but it hurts so much idk and it’s not comfortable at all guys and it lowkey makes my nose look big from the side but I want a pointer nose so oh well
Even if I don’t have any fever whenever I put that inside my nose , water comes out of my nose I don’t know what was the problem and one of it went inside my nose and when I sneeze it came out but now one of it is missing and I am nervous if it went inside my nose how will I find it I don’t even feel when it went inside my nose ?????how will i find it
After how many hours of use does it start to feel uncomfortable? Also can you talk, eat, and smile? Idk jf i should purchase one ?
I completely adore your song choices ❤️
Been following your channel for some time and girl you are the best! I just cannot miss any of your updates. Sending all of my love to you <3
GIRL please do an updated everyday makeup tutorial! You’re skin looks so good in this video ?
+Anime World….. The name of the song… Ex Girl
Anime World it’s monsta x – ex girl
Whats the Name of the Song?
excuse my charisma meeeeeee
Why did I do that to
Literally I’m so jealous of how pretty you are❤️ even when you don’t wear make up your stunning! However, I am not as fortunate.
HAHAHA oh god feiii you’re hilarious I enjoy watching your videos so much!! Love u ❤️
Please don’t read into this video too much! It was me simply reviewing this nose tool! You know I like testing out weird beauty gadgets! 🙂 Let me know if you know more weird products! <3
heyitsfeiii is it comfortable breathing through your nose this Way?
خبله وخبالي عاجبني khti stp win sibou hada al3afsa
where can I buy it ???
heyitsfeiii Can you please giveaway some noselifter please my nose is really really flat please i just need so thst classmates wont bully me:(
Im yo wat Don’t mind those classmates! They’re just jealous of you. My nose looks like a pig but nobody is perfect 🙂 We’re all going to die one day and those bullies won’t matter at all in a few years. Be confident girlie.
AHHH!! LOVE the music played in your video and your makeup. Always beautiful and funny.
I love the faces you do xD I couldn’t stop laughing <3
I saw Edward do this and it was halarious ???????