Stent Removal One Week After Rhinoplasty Surgery
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In this video, Dr. Oakley Smith demonstrates how the stent is removed one week after a Rhinoplasty surgery.
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In this video, Dr. Oakley Smith demonstrates how the stent is removed one week after a Rhinoplasty surgery.
3 days and that’s gonna be me omg I can’t wait
She didn’t answer to anyone ??? wondering how everything went.
thegirl nextdoor I love it! Everyone says I have the “perfect” nose now. I went to a doctor out of Ohio
@Noelle Bright are u happy? what doctor
How did yours go girl?! I just had mine last week!
Hey, how was your surgery with Dr. Smith? I am considering him and looking for input from others.
I got mine taken out today and it did feel satisfying. I had some dried blood and something about the sound of everything tearing apart from the wall of each nostril was satisfying.
I imagine it feels relieving
So you had a nose job? Exposed
Out Gunner you’re on a channel for nose jobs.
Why is this oddly satisfying to me ?
Why is this satisfying for me to watch haha
Same , when they pull it out I feel relieved??
Hahahaha same
Satisfying but gross
I’ve seen this done without glives rather a few times. But it would be better to have them as a precaution
I was counting down the days minutes and seconds till I got mine removed, my doctor used liquid lidocaine, I was so relieved to have them out!!!!
Is it painful to remove them ?
Great video! Especially when feels relieved
Um this chick is a champ and gives me hope for my appointment tomorrow ????
Mohd Tuhaif how did it go okease having mine today
@Aisha Alansari getting mine tomorrow, did it hurt?
Did it hurt? I’m getting mine removed tomorrow
Harder Wifey had rhinoplasty and septoplasty yesterday go for it
This man would have me crying of laughter.
This is satisfying to watch knowing mine will be removed soon
@Avianca G ppppp~ooop00l
@Sara its a fast but not fast enough pain. My splints were sitting in top of the nerve connected to my front teeth. And the nose is tender. Mix of pressure and pain. But it’s nothing u can’t manage, instant relief. Take a pain killer before your have them removed. Sure was worth it . It changed my life.
Does it hurt?
@Agent BaconQ o
No gloves, inexcusable. I would have questioned the sterilization of his tools, equipment, everything!
Gloves have more bacteria if he washed his hands correctly there is no problem Karen!!
100 percent
Does the K in your name stand for Karen
Ok Karen Butler
Got mine removed today and my doctor was just as nice and talkative ?
It was so painful for me, I’m cringing
After day 3-4 that split is the really only part that hurts. Sooner they take it out the better
alguém pode me explicar do que se trata traduzindo para o português?
@Gean Paiva, eu fiz pelo no Hospital do Fundão no RJ, Hospital Universitário da UFRJ e foi feito pelo Sus. Nao tive custo
@Jose Neto meu sonho fazer essa cirurgia …quanto custou a sua?
Kaytchona Flor retirada de uma espécie de suporte que é colocado após a cirurgia para correcao do septo nasal. Isso é colocado na durante a cirurgia para o septo cicatrizar na posição certa desobistruindo a passagem do ar. Eu fiz essa cirurgia!
That’s unbelievable.
Where do we get this?
Even in Colombia doctors use gloves for this kain of proccedure . They say that We are in the trees.
Not related but can I say you have very good English! I wish I could learn a different language
Brave woman. Good Doctor.