The 5 Minute Nose Job – Non Surgical Rhinoplasty – Beauty Secrets with Dr. Jamuna Pai
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In this episode of Beauty Secrets, Dr. Jamuna Pai talks about one of the most popular treatments to shape and contour the nose without surgery or downtime using dermal fillers in just 5 minutes.
I just want to tallen my nose and make it slim cuz when I smile it looks like a very flat pancake(Tʖ̯T) people would tease me about it
Yeah, I can relate
Voldemort wants to know “how to grow a nose naturally” ?✨
u comment that user ever nose video
@Jenna Martin Tell Voldemort to holler at Pinocchio ?
Harry Potter fans are back
Hahahahhahah hahahahaha hahahahhahah hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha
but the girl’s nose was so beautiful as it was!!! ?
IK mine is big af her nose was small
Well not for her.
Dear God thanks for everything ?
She already have a good nose, Honestly, she looks more feminine before than after
well that’s just your opinion sir or village i don’t know exactly what you are, but she is clearly happy with the result… anywho, how does a nose makes you more feminine?! ?
2:14 This reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where George goes to visit the natural path
“There’s no bridge to my nose it’s completely flat” that’s where I’m trying to get ??
Me :- Noice
My mind :- Nose job? ?
Wtf , Nose job? ???
Yo voldemort
Are u a chinese….
solution to get it naturally: have caucasian in your genes
That’s a very short period of time they spend. Sooo fast! Without doing any other sugeries
This doctor is herself so beautiful… If i ever visit her i may keep looking at her all the time?
When I smile…u can see Eiffel tower on my face.
I dont need to smile i have the eiffel stuck on my face
I’m dying laughing at this
I really like to lift up my nose too ma’am. You’re so amazing.
Do it work?
She look so pretty ❤️❤️
I think beauty is all about feeling comfortable in your own look
@Veve sure dear?
I want to use this as my senior quote and I will say it’s from you too lol
Yea but ppl around us dont let us feel That way.. They keep pointing out flaws n thats wen we start thinking is it even a flaw..??
At 0.01 i am quitting this video just bocz of u
Do you have a nose problem?.. easier said then living with something that brings a persons confidence down.. if so then yours isnt that bad..
Is this a repetitive procedure and how often and what’s the price? It looks very good and uncomplicated. No blood! I need this.
If I lived with this huge af nose for 19 years…I m still alive yo.
I’m almost 20 and today i discovered my nose. Hats off to this lady.
My nose when my face is straight (..)
My nose when I smile or laugh (……………)
I laughed so hard at you comment
lol ?
Yeh ??
Same omg
How many holes are there in ur nose o-o
She looks Old yet Young, Sounds Like Indian, and seems American,
I confuse
@Shadow mhm
@Nazil oh adipoli
@Shadow Kozhikode
@Nazil lol. Kasaragod. Niyo?
@Shadow Aysheri, inikki ivde velya ishtam onnum illa haha, naatil evida?
anyone else watching this cuz they hate their nose? I feel a lot less confident because of my nose but if I get surgery, I’ll feel like I’m fake everytime I look in the mirror. I don’t really believe is cosmetic or exercises because exercises wear off in a week – month after you stop doing it everyday and cosmetic surgeries wear off after 6 months – 1 year.. maybe I should just learn to love myself or just get the plastic surgery (plastic and cosmetic surgeries are different) and learn that it’s okay and I’m still the same person? maybe if I found another way to justify the plastic surgery other than I don’t like how my nose looks. It’s a little hard to breathe through my nose- maybe I could manipulate my brain? lol idk- i just know I got issues.. the mirror is making me feel insecure and the people who make me feel badass too- (Blackpink and Ariana Grande)
i hated my nose for a long time.but now as i grew older,i got other problems to distract me from my nose lol
@vanellope von schweetz Do what you have to do to feel pretty. its okay to get surgery once or twice, but I do not support more than that. if people call you fake, then they’re just showing that they’re only bad examples of people that you should be avoiding. You only live once, make it worth it.
I can’t hate my nose but I perfect nose?
What you are be that only ?♂not be fake
I Hate Feeling Fake, I Mean I Don’t Dye My Hair Or Even Wear Makeup. YOU DON’T REGRET SOMETHING THAT’S NOT DONE; BUT YOU’LL WHEN IT IS