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  1. Stelliferous Oofer

    anyone else watching this cuz they hate their nose? I feel a lot less confident because of my nose but if I get surgery, I’ll feel like I’m fake everytime I look in the mirror. I don’t really believe is cosmetic or exercises because exercises wear off in a week – month after you stop doing it everyday and cosmetic surgeries wear off after 6 months – 1 year.. maybe I should just learn to love myself or just get the plastic surgery (plastic and cosmetic surgeries are different) and learn that it’s okay and I’m still the same person? maybe if I found another way to justify the plastic surgery other than I don’t like how my nose looks. It’s a little hard to breathe through my nose- maybe I could manipulate my brain? lol idk- i just know I got issues.. the mirror is making me feel insecure and the people who make me feel badass too- (Blackpink and Ariana Grande)

    1. physically a virgin mentally a whore

      @vanellope von schweetz Do what you have to do to feel pretty. its okay to get surgery once or twice, but I do not support more than that. if people call you fake, then they’re just showing that they’re only bad examples of people that you should be avoiding. You only live once, make it worth it.

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