The Pros and Cons of Facial Fat Transfer from Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Amir Karam
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Dr. Karam has completed over 4000 facial fat transfer cases over the last 15 years, and now, he is discussing the pros and cons of facial fat transfer. In addition, he also shares some live footage of fat transfer being done in the operating room.
Facial volume loss affects everyone. It happens when our faces lose fat either because of genetics or aging. When this happens, it leaves the face looking gaunt and tired. Hollow eyes, dark circles, flat cheeks, deflated lips, bony temples are all the effects of fat loss. People feel they look older and less healthy. Volume replacement can be done using temporary fillers, but this has its real disadvantages, such as the need for upkeep, expenses over the long-term, and inconsistent appearance. Fat transfer in San Diego is the more optimal approach to replace lost facial fat. The technique involves taking fat from a different part of the body and replacing the lost fat in the face. This fat grafting approach results in lasting effects. In the hands of an experienced plastic surgeon, the results are natural-looking and the procedure is safe. The results are highly dependent on the experience and artistry of the surgeon.
Watch More From Dr. Karam:
○Facial Plastic Surgery Before and After:15 Years Younger –
○ Facial Fat Transfer Results 9 Years Later –
○ Incredible Facial Plastic Surgery Transformation! –
○ Fat Transfer / Fat Grafting / Fat Injections –
For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego practice, or his natural-looking results check out:
○ @dramirkaram
Yes it would be awesome to see more videos of patients getting the procedures done xx
I was planning on getting this procedure done last year in South Korea since they seem to have the most expertise in this area and I wasn’t at the time able to find anyone doing fat grafting here in Southern California. How May I go about contacting you for a consultation? I’m also located in San Diego.
Actually in South Korea, unless you insist against the doctor’s recommendation, the effect they look for is very subtle ( rejuvenation procedures) . If you go over, one time treatment is probably not enough. I have no experience in this . But I imagine that good doctors are more conservative especially when they are not going to have their patients follow up with appointments unlike locals.
Dr. Sam Lam in Dallas (Plano) , Texas literally wrote the book on fat transfer. Princeton and Columbia U educated. You can see his videos on YouTube.
To be perfectly honest I’d rather much be distracted by YouTube than being depressed all the fucking time. So MY is not that all sunshine n rainbows…
@Katie Fulford wanting to improve the fullness of your face with your own fat equates to needing psychological counseling? Then why exactly are you watching this video? Question your own thinking. And then MoveOn.
Thanks! Is there a possibility that one side of the face absorbs fat more than the other side? Is asymmetry inherent result of such a procedure?
Also, could you talk a bit about the scar that can be expected in the abdomen after the needle is poked?
I barely have a scar from my chin lipo. It’s about the side of a lentil and it’s flesh colored. Little raised. I didn’t do anything to diminish the scar at all.
Yes there is a possibility.. I had it done .. my left face which has lot of movement is assymetrical with the right side face .. but it’s okay to be good than to look aged .. scars are minimal after 1 year
How long you should wait after fillers to do fat transfer?
Can this procedure be accomplish at the same time you are getting a facial rejuvenation?
Thanks ☺️
He can dissolve the HA fillers. Not sure how long it takes. But likely you could have them dissolved on or near the time of your consult. I would imagine he’s pretty booked out for surgeries. I’m going to be scheduling a consult soon.
Love your work – and explanations.
Dr. Karam correctly identified the roller coaster of filler injections. Also, it is the skill of the professional doing the Juviderm or other filler; most likely it isn’t a plastic surgeon. Sometimes the results are great and other times not so great, plus the time in between injections. It’s reassuring to learn about a permanent and natural fix with my own fat by an experienced plastic surgeon with over 4000 Fat Transfers.
Glad I could Help!
Dr. Andrew Jacono, facial plastic surgeon in NYC, has a post on his website about the issues with fat grafting to the face. He states that if patients gain weight, it can then cause the face to look too full and distorted. He also suggests that it makes the face heavier and that can lead to more facial
sagging over time. He shows some pretty scary examples of this. Can you comment on this?
Does he speak on cheek implants ?
I am staying away from facial fat transfers.
Umm…jacono also does fat transfers so i have no idea what you’re talkin bout.
Do you have a link to this post? I can’t find it.
How long do you have to wait after facial fat transfer to do fractional ablative resurfacing? or other procedures eg. neuromodulators, fillers, peels, radiofrequency, starting isotretinoin?
Also hifu as well
Nicely explained doctor K. Thank you
Thank you so much Doctor for this awesome information
I was born with very sunken temples (i think from being a pre-mature) and also my jaw is smaller than it should be so my face looks a little gaunt… I really want a fat transfer for my first and only procedure because of its permanence. I cannot wait! (:
Very informative! Thank you!
Is there ANYTHING I can do about a slightly sagged jaw/chin. Just had an appointment today and was told I wasn’t a suitable candidate for Face-lift. It’s depressing. I’ve been reading adipose-derived stem cells that rejuvenate the skin, do u have any knowledge about this? Thanks.
There’s some things we could look into. In order for me to assess what you’re a candidate for you need to book a consult with my team and they can walk you through the process. The # for my office is in the description box.
How much costs such a procedure?! Thx in advance!
Cuales son los cuidados, despues de la sirugia?
I have had it done a few times…it works ! The lips are a little more challenging because the lips move so much that the fat breaks down…
@The Queen K Mine for 20ml transferred to my cheeks is $5000.
@The Queen K I had it done while I had a bunch of other things done… Hours of surgery… I don’t have an answer specifically for you
How much did cost u if u don’t mind I just want to know how much should I save ! Thx
Can you show the procedure? And how does the person look right after? A couple of hours after? Thanks for all the info you share!
Yes ! I would love to see more before and after a about fat transfer . Thanks ?
@Aleja Franco If you go through his account, there are videos.
Thank you doctor for explaining. Wanted to ask if some weight gain after the procedure going to effect transferred fat?
Thank you Doctor for the excellent explanation. ??
My takeaway finding a plastic surgeon who has perfected the fat transfer technique! Definitely, wouldn’t want to go to a surgeon with little experience