This method of getting facial filler will make you look older NOT younger (AVOID at all costs!)
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Did you know that fillers can actually make you look older? We talk a lot about aging here, and one-way people often combat aging is by using fillers. But WAIT. Before you look to fillers to help correct your aging problems, you need to hear why fillers can actually make you look older, and the unflattering results may be more permanent than you think.
Oftentimes, people go and get fillers in the same place over and over again: the outer cheeks, jawline, chin, etc. Over time, you begin to see an outwardly protruding cheekbone and overly full lower face. Your face will look more square, which makes the eye see an accelerating aging process- in short, you’ll look even older than you are.
○ Is 40 Too Young For a Facelift? Facial Plastic Surgeon Weighs in –
○ Do you need Fillers or a Facelift? –
○ A Facelift in your 40s? How to Delay Facial Aging –
○ Can you get a Facelift after getting Threadlifts? –
For more information on Dr. Karam, his San Diego Practice, or his natural-looking results, you can find him HERE:
○ @dramirkaram
So refreshing to hear a surgeon who is educated on the stages of aging and knows how to combat it mindfully. A true artist has that kind of eye, and you’re lucky when you find one! Thank you ?
Two months ago, I had a face lift, a neck lift with liposuction under the chin. Also had my upper eyelids done, all by one of the top three plastic surgeons in my city. Results: The crepey turkey neck is gone. The jowels have disappeared, my nasolabial folds vanished. I have great eyelids where. I can now apply my eyeshadow like a model. The oval jawline is restored. I can’t stop looking at myself! I cried with joy at how young and beautiful I am again, it was worth every penny! Please, no fillers! I could have kept going with that and many more options.. I am sixty-seven years young; I will not try to look like a twenty year old. Oh! and foundation wears like a dream. Choose carefully and only accept the procedure from a real client who will tell you they were happy with the surgeon who did the procedure. This is serious surgery and you could be disfigured with the wrong doctor. Especially do not choose on based on YouTube reviews.
@Karen Cohen Hi Karen, thank you for your kindness and you are right: I drive a 2015 Nissan Rogue and not planning for a new car until this one breaks down. Even then, I ‘ll buy one that’s one year old. But my face ?? AWESOME!!
@Ellen Morse I’d rather do surgery and buy a car!! It would only be ruined here in California?. So very happy for you????
I love the fact you didn’t mention your Drs name! This is an honest joyful observation. Thank you???
@Thee Lynn Chase it makes sense.
@Ellen Morse I bet the Dr. here erases it since it’s his channel and so probably doesn’t want another surgeon promoted on his channel, just guessing.
I wasn’t aware of the potential permanent effect of (too much) filler, there is indeed this idea that “it just goes away”.
My dear grandma had a face-lift back in the early 1970s and she used to say that it was something to be done while you still “didn’t need it too much”. I suppose she meant when the sagging is yet not too extreme (when she had it she was not even 50, probably 47). She was very happy with the results and looked really good well into her 90s.
@Dawn Rodriguez ??
It’s called Preventive Maintenance. And starting it when it’s not too bad avoids looking like a pulled leather bag. I’m glad your grandma was happy with her results.
@R Robins mind linking the picture?
Love your grandma’s attitude. Back in the early 1970s she was something of a pioneer 🙂
@Mrs Noitall I quit smoking 20 years ago, but the damage was already done. Better to never smoke at all. I saw a picture of twins, one who smoked and one who didn’t. There was a huge difference, the smoker looking much older than her twin.
Definitely informative. However, I did not hear what the suggested protocol should be. If you want to fill/lift the area around the mouth, and in lieu of a lift, where should the filler be placed? Or, are you recommending avoiding fillers completely to remedy that area? Thank you.
I think he’s saying don’t use fillers for that kind of issue at all. 7:05 “in specific places, in very small amounts”. The reason the skin sags is because there is usually the weight of fat underneath it dragging it down with gravity and the aged skin looses the laxity to hold up -so just with surgically lifting, the area will smooth itself out, no filler or fat removal necessary (usually).
I think the whole video is basically saying don’t ever use fillers if you want to lift an area. All fillers will do is increase volume in the area temporarily and with the ‘necessary’ consistent ‘top ups’ you just end up looking like a swollen potato. You’re better off physically and financially getting one surgical procedure.
My mother did the surgery in her 50s and ended up with blood clots. It was very serious and she was sick for a long time! She now uses fillers. I think you have to know there is problems that can happen no what matter choice you make. I use filler and if I could afford surgery, now at 53, I probably would.
You’re the second dermatologist I’ve watched warning about the dangers of misplaced and over used filler. Problem is that many medspas overseen by dermatologists are over prescribing these procedures bc they are money makers. Buyer beware! I had some cheek filler exactly where you just now said not to, glad I only got one vial per cheek. What I find is that the filler doesn’t exactly stay where it’s put either. While I’m not freaking out about my results, this was a year ago, I no longer think I will do this procedure. Not sure what’s next at almost 50 but will proceed carefully
If you want advice about what to do watch Dr Rajani on YouTube. He is not a surgeon, but knows just about everything on tratments and non surgical procedures.
He’s a plastic surgeon not a dermatologist
6:46 I have personally experienced that, and can attest to what he’s saying here. You have to be careful about filler placement. I had filler put into my nasolabial folds 2.5 years ago, and I swear even after attempting to dissolve it, it still doesn’t look right in that area, even after all this time. These were temporary fillers too, only meant to last around 6-9 months or so.
@Michelle Obama OnlyFans Yeah whatever. The point I’m making is that you have no compassion. You are mocking people.
@Equinox What do you mean? I must be a hit because I’m telling the truth? Well, then I’ll gladly be a hit, honey! Deal with it! ??
Yup. Much of it ends up (over time) in an area you don’t want it in. ?
@Michelle Obama OnlyFans I think part of the problem is that these things are promoted to surgeons and other doctors by medical reps as if the products were wonderful. Doctors can’t possibly spend 24/7 researching everything about everything, so they take these reps’ word for it when they say these things are safe.
Thanks for the heads-up! I feel like social media especially people in their young age are overdoing it with fillers… It looks nice a little bit but then it also doesn’t after a while. I guess the fact it migrates and creates scar tissue as it dissolves is a big warning surgeons should tell people.
Happy to have happened upon your channel. Thank you for this invaluable information. I wish I’d found your channel two years ago, as it was at that time that I had Dysport and filler put in my cheek area on the same day, which left me with much swelling. Although the swelling from the injections dissipated with time, two years later the filler still does not appear to have dissolved much at all. Worse, the event left me with a very visible “dent”, about three quarters of an inch long, about a half an inch below the outer corner of my right eye. I had been hit with a rock there decades ago, but it didn’t leave a noticeable scar. I had a smooth face before the Restalyne-L injection, which again was done the same day as Dysport. Now all I see is that dent. The “Top Doc’ who injected me advised that she put, “too much, too high”. This on already high cheekbones. She advised that I should let it dissolve on its own, over time. I’m thinking about looking for an Ocular Plastic surgeon to try and “fill the dent”. My fear is that if the dent is, in fact, scar tissue, the filler might not stay there (might migrate around it, causing a really abnormal, even more dented result). Could you please do a video educating us more about what happens when filler is breaking down? You mention that as filler is broken down, it generates inflammation, and that the inflammation creates scar tissue and/or collagen. And that both the scar tissue and collegan is there permanantly. If this dent is a scar, can filler be used to fill it, or should I just cut my loses and not risk it? Thank you.
I love this video. This is exactly what Madonna had a few years ago – a pillow face. You can’t just fill up the saggy skin and expect it to look great.
Who wants to look like Madonna currently. She had a natural beauty, but now she looks fake and alien like. What is wrong with just loving one’s self and aging naturally without fillers and face-lifts!!
Thanks for clearing the question of fillers versus face lifts. I had pretty much decided anyway but this was very encouraging.
Thank you for this informative video! I was under the impression that hyaluronidase could reverse any and all negative effects if I didn’t like the result. My injector suggested I have cheek filler and I had a bad feeling about it. Glad I did some research first. It’s easy, in the injector chair, to get caught up in an impulsive decision that could “make all the difference”. In thinking it over, it probably would have aged me by 5 years.
Thank goodness you posted this as I was going to get fillers in my temples next month. I’m a 45 year old woman and with aging, I look hollow through the temples. I was going to have filler done but now I definitely won’t. Thank you!
I got a lift at 45 and it is amazing. Took 10 years off. I tried the fillers first and the price is ridiculous and doesn’t last. Good luck in your journey. Don’t be afraid to start now.
I never intend on getting plastic surgery but that was an awesome and extremely informative video. Thank you
You’re spot on!? Why can’t ALL Dr’s think like you?! ?
Most doctors are an unethical scum. Especially plastic surgeons, will disfigure you for money any way you want. Just to sell more procedures and fillers. Ever watched Botched? And those cases are just a tip of the iceberg!!!
My facial plastic surgeon has refused to do a facelift in favor of playing the filler game for 10 years first. That obviously makes more sense for her than for me.
@Наташа Васић Face Yoga is a terrible idea. Any movement in the face stretches and will ultimately break elastin. Face Yoga and other forms of facial exercises and massages just accelerate the process of aging.
And you didn’t get any results?…I don’t know… Peta facerobics seems to me very good. I have my own exercises. And I make wonderful results with it, and aromatherapy massage.
You can also try five tibetans – for whole body
@Наташа Васић already did ?
Maybe you could try face yoga
@Marlow Brandon agree with you
Valuable info. Thank you! I’m in my mid 30’s and am learning I’m about to need to consider fat transfer before I get carried away with filler.
@love what do you mean it keeps growing ? in stomach where it was harvested or where ut is placed ?
Fat transfer is not a pancea, and it is not permanent. Find a surgeon that you feel comfortable with, get a consult and do a lot of research.
Careful where they harvest the fat. If you get it from your stomach it can keep growing and growing, because the cells of the stomach are different than other areas
You’re so right about all this. I’ve worked for doctors who just do fillers and other nonsurgical cosmetic procedures, and I was always so put off by the amount of older women who were regulars in the office, and they started to not look human anymore and all had that same filler look. At what point does a doctor say no more
They dont because its big money for them. Its like having a bar, most keep serving you drinks and asking as soon as you are down to your last gulp.They just want your money 🙂
I love how only down the road do drs realize what they’ve been doing/promoting is problematic then for the patient it’s too late. ?
They’re in it for the money. Gotta pay back those students loans. The incentives are messed up. Same with dentists.
“only down the road do drs realize what they’ve been doing/promoting is problematic” well yeah a lot of them aren’t doing it intentionally. I’m sure there’s a lot that can only be learnt with experience unfortunately… doctors are people too and none of us are perfect at our jobs either. They are still the most qualified people, so the only alternative to trusting them is to not get procedures at all.
They are well aware that what they’re offering isn’t the perfect solution for most of their patients, but you have to consider two facts: one is that not every doctor performs facelifts (and you *really* have to be good at it there’s no wiggle room) and the other is that many patients don’t want to experience anesthesia, down time etc. not even if they will look ‘perfect’ afterwards. Most just want a couple syringes to feel prettier. It’s a lot cheaper too, if you stick to that small amount.
We’ll see how well this video’s advice ages in 20 years.
@Olga Cardona One of the biggest health concerns in my opinion is polypharmy! All those meds have SIDE EFFECTS. And they interact.
Love the way you explained everything and why. Very very easy to follow and honestly super interesting to watch and hear. I watched the entire video about to binge watch more of the videos!
This was sooo helpful! I had been considering filler for quite some time. I am thinking twice after this educational video. I thank you so much.
I’ve had it as had millions of other people and if done right and in small amounts it is a perfectly good way to get a refreshed look, he also says that.
Yep. I’ve had it before and probably won’t do it again. ?