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Transgender Breast Augmentation | Breast Lift | Dr. Daniel Barrett | Plastic Surgery | Los Angeles

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Many individuals undergo a gender transition because they believe they would have a more authentic and fulfilling lives if they had the opportunity to live as part of the opposite sex.

Physical appearance plays a huge role in the gender transition process, and some people feel like they would be the most comfortable if they took control of their physique, too. Transgender breast augmentation (otherwise known as an augmentation mammoplasty) is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the chest size and/or shape of transfeminine patients using implants.

Dr. Barrett has extensive experience with implant insertion and revision, and highly recommends scheduling a consultation so that you can discuss the goals and expectations for this important stage in your transition journey.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon – Dr. Daniel Barrett

Dr. Barrett is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. He specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, nose and body. His passion is providing natural results with minimal downtime, utilizing holistic approaches. He has developed detailed scar management protocols and closure techniques to reduce the appearance of scars for his patients.

He has been practicing since 2008 and opened his Beverly Hills office in 2014. During that time he has made numerous appearances on the television show The Doctors, providing charitable work for massive weight loss patients. He also appears on Entertainment Television as an expert on the latest plastic surgery trends and techniques. He is actively involved in research to reduce implant-related capsular contracture. He has recently presented internationally his findings on breast implant malposition and correction.

? Call us for a consultation!


Barrett Plastic Surgery
Located in Beverly Hills CA

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Author: admin



  1. Christine Torres

    I really want to do this !! I wonder if Dr. Barrett makes the patients get off of hormones prior to Surgery or if there’s a way to take a estrogen shot that last for two weeks prior to date of breast surgery?. The job looks perfect too ?

  2. Adriana Pitt

    hey Dr Barrett…..Im a trans woman myself and current wear a 36B bra….Ive been on hormone therapy for 5 yrs now so I have breast tissue….Im just looking for fuller natural looking breast and to make them a full C. What are your price ranges and average recovery rate?

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