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Why I got a breast aug… My Journey/Experience | NICOLE ELISE

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I went from a size A cup to a C and this is what happened…Sharing my breast augmentation journey and why I got it done.

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I went to Dr. Saltz at La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Center in San Diego
Smooth Implant, Silicone
255 and 240 ccs (I got two different sizes for each boob)
Profile: Moderate
I was a 30A now I am a 32 (full) C/ small D

#BreastAugmentation #TruthAboutBreastAugmentation #BreastImplants #LaJolla #SanDiego #LCSC #SanDiegoBreastAug #BoobJob #BoobJobVlog #BreastAugVlog

FTC/Disclaimer| This video is NOT sponsored! However, all opinions are my own. My links may contain affiliate linking. This means that I may make a small commission if you purchase through my links. Thank you for all your support! xx

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  1. Libby Audrey

    I’ve been waiting for this video. So, I love how natural they look and I appreciate how open and honest you were about getting them done. I think the thing that scares me the most is how I’ll feel about them long term. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!!

    1. Nicole Elise

      Yes, I completely understand where you’re coming from. Which is why its important to not rush into getting a surgery done. Plus this is why I went for a natural looking size so that my future self wouldn’t hate them lol

  2. cynthia

    Everything you said resonates with me especially about the chicken cutlets. I cannot leave the house braless. I’m petite and I barely have any boobs, it’s been a huge insecurity of mine since high school. I always have to buy sports bras, bikinis with padding. I am the most insecure when I wear a bikini because that’s when you really can tell how flat chested I am. Thank you for this video

  3. Jasmine B

    i plan on getting surgery soon hopefully! i want it to be natural and nothing too big for my body. this is the first video i’ve seen that the cc’s didn’t start from 350+ and you still look amazing! this video made me excited!

  4. Courtney Wright

    Quick question for you!

    First thank you so much for sharing your story! I have been contemplating the procedure for quite some time and as a mother of two I really need to do something. However all of the news about breast implant illness and the black box warning the FDA just slapped on implants is causing me to second guess this.

    Now that you have had yours for over a year, have you noticed any health issues or symptoms similar to BII? If you’re not willing to share any symptoms I totally get it. Even a yes or no would be super helpful!

    Thank you in advance!!

    1. Larch

      Well, not what I expected at all and long story but I was not able to get them. I have surgery next week, but not the surgery I wanted. At my pre-op they did my lab work and long story short, after many doctors appointments they highly suspect I have lymphoma. Thank God for boobs, or I would’ve never found this out. If my biopsy comes back as cancer, then I pray for treatments and hopefully boobs in the future!

  5. Dianela Batista

    Thank you so much for this video!! It’s so informative and helpful for someone like me looking for someone’s experience with my similar body type. Not sure if you mentioned this is in the video but we’re your implants the responsive silicone or the soft touch silicone? Thank you!! ??

  6. cjeelde

    Some of my friends has also done boob jobs so I love to watch storytimes here and there. Your storytime was great to hear! And I love that you put in a disclaimer so early about doing a boob job – that made me appreciate and love you a lot ? so important for everyone to really think about it. Don’t do it just because other girls has done it. Every girl is unique in her own way. Also really good that you mentioned is the cost of getting it done. The two things about money: 1) pay what it will cost to get it done by the best clinic so it’s a minimal risk to have to redo it (do the best research) and 2) save up extra money for anything you might need money for: that’s two very good things you talked about.

    Now over to you and your result: I’m so happy for you and your result! ? your result looks soooo good and natural. And also I totally looove how beautiful and goals you are ? you’re so beautiful that I don’t know what to say. And no problem that this video is long. Just a good thing – it’s very educational ? wish I could hug you and say how happy I am for you ??

    1. cjeelde

      Spreading awareness and educate as many as possible is a soooo good thing ? I have no numbers for how many girls that gets their boobs bigger every year and I cannot even guess but it’s many and I know that within a few years some girls regrets the boob job and some girls gets extremely bad luck because the surgery was done bad or some problems with the implants. For some girls it’s way better to not do a boob job and love what you got. It’s really so indivudual about boob jobs and that’s why every storytime (like yours) is so important ??

      You’re a wonderful person and you deserve the world and the best thanks to that ? you got my love and support in all weather ?? I’m so happy that I’ve found you here thanks to who you are and it’s a little bit harder now when notifications for new videos no longer goes out as e-mail. But you know that you got my heart and all my love ?? Xoxo

  7. Amanda Po

    they look perfect on you! doesn’t it feel good to not wear a padded bra or chicken cutlets?? I tell my girlfriends I don’t regret it at all, but def do agree nobody ever talks about recovery. thanks for sharing your experience ❤️

  8. MickMamaHawk MickMamaHawk

    You and I share the same initial size. I’ve been self conscious of my whole life. It is why at 57 I will be finally getting implants! I was worried because of my age but have been assured because I am healthy that I have few worries. Thank you so much for sharing with us! You inspire me!

  9. Tee Tee

    They look amazing ! And your so beautiful ! They look very natural you wouldn’t be able to tell . But I’m wanting them so bad for the same reasons as you ! Like literally ! I’ve got my third consultation with another company this Friday which I’m hoping they will be the one .

    Only questions I’ve got is :
    – a lot of girls said they couldn’t go number 2 for the first couple of days due to the antibiotics??

    – recovery
    – also breast illness I’ve done my research but it’s so intimidating when people keep trying to tell me that you can get that even though I’ve researched and I’m just worried

    1. Nicole Elise

      Thanks for your support! So glad to hear you’re having more than one consultation, that is so important! I never had an issue going to the bathroom while recovering but I am sure everyone’s experience is different. It could happen to you but it didn’t for me! Recovery like I said I’m glad I had my full time nurse (aka my boyfriend lol) for a week because I was strugggggling. As for breast implant illness, I completely forgot to mention this in my video. I did my research too but at the end of the day you have to talk to your doc about it and decide if the procedure is for you. Hope that helps! Good luck!! xo

  10. Rose S.

    I totally agree with the statement that they don’t truly prepare you for recovery. I was in a TON of pain and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. 3 months later, they’re gorgeous, but damn that hurt lol!

  11. Ana Lazalde

    New subscriber here ? came across this video as I’m looking to get a breast augmentation as well ! Noticed that you got them done here in San Diego (I live in SD as well, don’t know if you’re from here I’m sorry lol) but I was wondering if you had any consultations outside of San Diego ? As I notice that a lot of people go to like LA to get them done

    1. Nicole Elise

      Hi! Welcome! I do live here and because I have a daughter I didn’t want to be away and take even more time off being in LA or something. And TBH, I knew I would just want to be in my own home and bed where I would be more comfortable. I’m sure there are great docs everywhere!!

  12. xcalabur18

    Thanks so much for posting this, girl! Very informative. I’m actually getting surgery soon, too. I am wondering if you could explain more about what it was like to get put to sleep? This is the part that freaks me out!! Like, what does it feel like? How do they do it? What does it feel like when they put the stuff in, like do you get sleepy or is more like wide awake to instantly out? Could you have fought it and stayed awake if you would have tried or was it impossible? Lol. Basically whatever you remember about that part would be helpful. Thanks so much!

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