Winners and Losers of the Plastic Surgery Category at the Oscars 2014 – Dr. Marin | Fox 5 San Diego
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In the recently held Academy Awards 2014, stars stunned the audience with their looks in the red carpet. Included in this are stars who surprised us with their new looks after having cosmetic treatments. With this, Dr. Vincent Marin together with the Fox 5 Morning News team listed down the "winner" and "losers" of the plastic surgery category.
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#oscars2014 #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgery
I love this Dr.’s honesty and advise.
i love kim novak she is a beautiful artist, i saw her paintings at the butler institute of art in youngstown ohio, she was there for one day may 4th 2014 and her exhibit was there till july 20th classy lady and very down to earth
Unfortunately her face was painted by somebody else and not even the blinds could call that beautiful!
All these surgeons are making the stars look like the JOKER. This is hilarious, really.
Hey…what is going on here about Kim Novak’s reported age? I went to high school with her…(Carl Schurz H.S. in Chicago) and at that time she was only about 2 yrs older than I was and made her name in Chicago when she won the Miss Photo Flash contest while in high school. In any case she is not as old as reported or she finished high school at….age 23 yrs. I don’t think so…….
novak was born february 22 1933 its been known for years even kim knows she was born then
A very interesting video..
Bill Shatner’s rug man! Please contact John Travolta, NOW!
Goldie didn’t have surgery?
Ellen doesn’t look like that. She has lots of wrinkles.
This commentary is absolutely idiotic. The doctor is commenting about how bad Kim Novak looks by comparing the 81 year old with a photo of her when she was around 30! It is not the plastic surgery sir – it’s called old age. And Kim looks great for her age.
Why would an old age got a tight fat cheeks and scars next to her mouth? What idiotic is You wanted to look like that plastic freak when you get to that age!
Well what do you consider old? Very few people make it to 82, and that is the age of Miss Novak. Considering that she looks fine.
@VL123 I agree with you without the swearing…she looks terrible and so does Goldie..its not old age and they are not aging gracefully. If they had of left themselves alone they probably would have looked more normal.