Worst plastic surgery trends of 2021: let’s hope they’re gone in 2022
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Since it’s the end of 2021, it’s the perfect time to break down some of the best and worst plastic surgery trends. These trends have become more and more popular in 2021 and it’s time for them to stop! Let’s discuss what these are, and what other options we can have instead.
Intro: 00:00
Worst Trends: 00:28
The Overfilled Face: 01:08
The Cat Eye 05:38
Thread Lifts: 08:35
Outro: 12:42
○ Why You'll REGRET Getting this Trendy Plastic Surgery Procedure (Fox eye surgery trend) –
○ Can you get a Facelift after getting Thread Lifts? Facial Plastic Surgeon Answers –
○ 68 Year Old Undergoes Incredible Facial Plastic Surgery Transformation (Day by Day Healing Process) –
○ Facial Fat Transfer 101: Everything you need to know about getting a fat transfer to the face –
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An old family friend who isn’t exactly a friend genuinely said, “I don’t trust people who have thin lips” knowing I have thinner lips especially as a person of color. It was stupid comments like that that impacted me and made me feel like I REQUIRE lip injections, but I realized I’m still hot without ‘em ???
Screw whoever told you that! I think women with natural thin lips are beautiful! People that get lip injections look horrible! Their lips remind me of fish lips, it looks so artificial. Now natural full lips are beautiful too, the fake lips look terrible. Just awful!
That is such a weird thing to say.
Yeah you are! Ignore that bs.
Are you a black hispanic? Just like breasts, attractive is all about shape and symmetry, not size. I think huge lips are ugly and even women with pencil lips seem to look odd with filler in them
I am so glad to hear you say this, it’s gotten out of control. The filler overuse is a huge problem, and doctors don’t often tell clients how important reversal is. And the trend makes are just so aggravating, unique beauty is amazing. People should enhance their own beauty, not try to emulate a trend that goes out of style. Your clients make a good choice seeing you!
Right? It gives me major creepy dystopian vibes to see thousands of women with *the same* face.
“Humans are not meant to look like cats or foxes” ?? I had a good laugh at that one.
Wait! Lol Did he really say that? Wait let me watch hahaha
@Spud Bono lol
THIS! lol! Someone needs to tell them lol! OMG this cracked me uppppp ? Looking funny with all that unnecessary plastic surgery!
I the term foxy eyes is just another word for hunter eyes which are universally considered attractive.
@Jay Lesley they have sharp inner and outer corners and the outer corners are high up
I am 58 years young, for me at this point in my life, I see beauty as having Good Health.
I am 58 and I agree! leave the face alone!
Well said! ? ????
@Guillermo Often it’s a joke, but I totally get what you’re saying. It can definitely come off as being in denial of your age, which we shouldn’t be ashamed by!
@Wanda Brenot Huge congrats on your weight loss. I don’t know you personally, but I’m proud of you! Losing weight is a big struggle and dealing with loose skin is an even bigger one. Don’t let it discourage you like it did me a few times. It just gets harder and harder to deal with if you lose weight, put it back on and lose it again over and over. I hope you stick to your path!
It’s not a facial procedure, but in my opinion, BBL’s (Brazilian butt lifts) were the worst plastic surgery of 2021.
@Sarah Bacak How dumb can one be to comment about plastic surgery “being happy” and the value of being ugly? You don`t need to feel sorry for me ,I feel perfectly happy in my perfectly well trained body and if the need of plastic surgery should manifest, I can either book a top notch surgeon because I have a perfectly well filled bank account or ask my brother, who is a top notch surgeon himself to fix whatever I don`t like.
@Agenda In Mind Duuuude…. Get off the internet and go outside. Talk to a human being in real life. Why are you wasting your life
@zinf Do you say this because you are black? I am Japanese Asian and have no butt and for me, this butt lift would do wonders. Also, plastic surgery is OK. We live once why not?
@Mara M damn you big mad ?
People are still regretting over plucking their eyebrows in the 90s, and here we are with people getting permanent surgeries for just another trend. ?
@Karla Faulkner I said over-plucking, not plucking. And just because you like the thin look, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Fortunately, nobody here is wanting to attract your husband but you, so A. Nobody really cares if he thinks thicker brows look like caterpillars, because plenty of other men don’t, and B. I would hope he likes the way you look, because you should be the only one who matters to him. What is beautiful or sophisticated is in the eye of the beholder. There’s no rule about this.
@ugagradrn lol spermy looking eyebrows ?. Ahhh yes, now I see what you mean. In my 30s, mine were not pencil-like, you’re right.
@Laura Hodson what I mean is, over plucking or not plucking at all – eyebrow hairs become sparse over the years. Mine look like I’ve plucked and I haven’t. But it took years and weren’t as thin in my 30s so, yes, I now see that over plucking accelerates the loss.
@Donna Tassa Oh thank you! I need to.look that up because I am in the UK. I have a double scar that transects one of my eyebrows and it drives me nuts because it is on a different level from my other skin so you cant even draw in hairs convincingly.
Arent we just! Some of us are regretting it all the way from Goth in the early 80s!
I love seeing women and men embracing our age and gracefully accepting what a privilege it is to be alive and healthy, whatever your age is.
@Feminine Frequency Rising idk.. Why do people not look away from train wrecks and car crashes? It’s called curiosity.
@Nina I agree!
So why you watching these?
@Deb B Beautifully said.
Yes I agree, I believe that effects of ageing reflect a life lived, experiences gained and sometimes Ive seen examples of the old saying ‘you get the face you deserve’ when bitter angry people have it written all over their face. Being healthy, kind and generous will give you beauty that radiates from within.
I had a shiver in my spine when you mentioned cutting the corner of the eye in the foxy eye segment. Thank you for the awareness of this!
Yes, I’ll be sticking with just some eyeliner tricks if I want to do that. Like you add eyeliner on the top of the outside of the eye, and then the bottom corner of the inner corner to get that kind of look. I’ve seen YouTuber’s do that before, a lot with drag queens makeup tutorials.
Sounds horrific I get a panic attack if something goes in my eye
Yes. As soon as he mentioned cutting ligaments my whole body got the eebie-geebies.
Especially when it’s so easy to do with makeup.
Overdoing Lip fillers and facial fillers are the worst trends, it makes women look older and unattractive
To me, all these women look the same after they get these same procedures. ?
In pictures its great but when you see then for real (in reality shows) they look SO OLD
@Everdine Stenger Those don’t look beautiful at all imo.
In my opinion, it resembles an allergic reaction.
@Christina Goulart Mask-Like comes to mind. Like the makeup used in the 60’s and 70’s in planet or the Apes or The Twilight Zone. Stiff and the character’s faces didn’t move in a natural fashion
It is one thing to correct an obviously disruptive feature and quite another to alter the character of your face. The cat eye is so silly IMO… Bella Hadid had beautiful, round, pensive eyes and now she looks like she’s plotting a murder all the time.
Laughed so loud !!!! Ol sleuth ?️♀️
Lol! Right !
Youth and your heart is beautiful! All this other stuff is ridiculous.
Gosh, this was such an excellent explanation of why filler isn’t good for improving jowls and loose skin. I’ve always disliked the overfilled face but I haven’t heard the issue explained so succinctly. I stopped using filler years ago when I noticed how odd I looked in photos. I also hadn’t heard of a vertical facelift. If I ever consider one, I will remember this. I’m in my 50s and have some loose skin and the start of jowls, but I’m really scared about getting a facelift. I definitely won’t do fillers again though. Thank you so much!
@JSully Might be a dude.
Girl I’m sure you look beautiful as is! ✌️❤️
Try hifu
If you do, please check out all the reviews on the Real Self website first. You won’t be sorry, I promise ?
lmao – “humans are not meant to look like cats or foxes” < too true, it looks ridiculous on most
Los Angeles Men love these women ?
Only for Halloween. Not every day. Lol.
Lol meow ??
my new mantra
The very fact that there are surgery ‘trends’ should send loud warning bells! Think of other trends, fashion, music for instance that were fashionable at the time, but laughable now … oh dear ?
Uhhh, yeah… I don’t think I’d ever have the guts to screw with my face people just never look right afterwards! ✌️❤️
Bella hadid had such a classic unique beauty before she had work done. She still looks beautiful now but I wish more models these days would embrace their uniqueness like supermodels used to (think Brooke Shields’ eyebrows, Cindy Crawford’s mole, Twiggy’s big eyes, Kate Moss’ height etc etc) to showcase the beauty in diversity instead of everyone just becoming carbon copies of one another
@Stacy Gustave I completely agree. Yolanda really damaged their self esteem
I also think it’s because of her mother that had a big part in pressuring her and her sister to be unrealistically perfect and skinny to the point wherr she and her sister were under eating and such so, a big part of the blame goes to her mother too, because if you look back at their reality show people made videos highlights on how toxic and racist their mother was, I remember when their mother when talking about different poc natural feautures, one example when she was insinuating the Asian features (monolid eyes) were ugly and not model esc but now that monolid eyes (aks fox eye trend) now we see that Bella got the surgery. We need to hold toxic parenting accountable too because I think Bella and her sister would not be so involved in toxic beauty standard.
@Tricia M They both deniying prosedures wich are so clear. Bella ‘s hole face has been altered. Lorry Hill has a good video about it. Without plastic surgery and lots of money and name she would be never ever be model. She doesn’t have models body like example legs.
She looked youthful and she is still young and still growing… now she looks old… same goes with Ariana Grande (who keeps lying about her surgery)…
@Abdulrahman Adel lol she looks plastic, it’s the new race
Oh well, we can dream, but plastic surgery is taken out of most of our hands due to the price. I hope in 2022 that it becomes fashionable to age naturally. That is my only hope.?
@Ash I use that, and I may be kidding myself but after a month of twice daily applications, I could swear the paper bag pleating above my upper lip has reduced.
@Johanna oh hell yes it does. Ive aged 5 years in 2.
A common nose job is not the same as a facial reconstruction. People get obsessed with their looks and forget what is really important. If they where not so obsessed with their own little world they could focus on improving the world around them. Priorities.
@Lisa Johnson yes, humans these days are so shallow with misguided priorities
Sadly, I doubt it will ever be fashionable to age gracefully.
I hope the overfilled lips are gone. Full lips are beautiful and getting some lip filler can look nice, but when it’s very overdone it looks horrible because it looks so fake. I’m not against plastic surgery and even had one procedure done years ago. If I ever get anything else done, I want my outcome to be in harmony with my other facial features or my body. I’d hate to have that artificial plastic look. Also, I will do my research and make sure it’s safe.
@Mixed Views ??
People pay good money to look like sex dolls ?
@Mike Mullin yes because they overdo it like Trisha Paytas. ? ?
Most women look like they have carp lips after that procedure.
Lip enlargement always looks wrong to me. Naturally large lips are fine, just don’t puff them up unnaturally.
Why would anyone alter their eye shape for a *trend* ? Why? Trends come and go, but you can’t just make your eyes go back the way they were – it makes everyone look cookie cutter generic, which is the opposite of striking beauty
I mean people have done that a long time.. But not with permanent surgery. Surgery becoming more readily available, the use of filters and photoehop, reaching a dystopian stage of capitalism… Plenty of reasons honestly.
to me social media is a nest for insecurities. One side saying “yas queen, if your fat, skinny, not so pretty you’re still a queen” and other sides pushing us extreme looks that honestly are not even cute, but if you get brainwashed enough you’ll get them… -_- example Bella Hadid stealing Carla Bruni’s face, honestly Bella’s face looks extremely tight which c’mon…
So true. She has so many copycat photoshoots 90’s iconic Carla Bruni pics. There is photosop too. Also she looks much older than she really is.
Putting a barbed thread into your cheek and pulling it up sounds like a method of torture. These procedures sound disgusting. I’d rather have the saggy chin and some lines.